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Morrowind Mod:Tamriel Rebuilt/The Wealth of Wayrest, act II

< Morrowind Mod:Tamriel Rebuilt

Act II, Scene I

Inside the castle hall.

(Noise from outside)

Voice: The king, the king is found.

The shore has born him.

(Enter attendants and Royal Family holding Eadwyre)

Goth: Uncle, you live, how did you

Find the sea in such ends fire.

Ead: I retired to bed, and I awoke

Within walls of flame. As

I searched for exit, a figure

Appeared to me, she spoke

In an old tongue, and as

The slaps of fire nearly reached

Me, she burst into a torrent

Of water, and I flowed with

Her into the turbent sea.

Goth: Sire your town square is

Collapsed from the fires

You have risen from. But

All can be rebuilt, a tranquil

Catch you were to our

Disturbed thoughts last night.

I regret to tell you that our stay

Must now end, but thankfully not

Of a mournful day. Our ships

Shall be set and we must go.

(To Banthas)

Some foul play is still afoot,

And we must flee from its

Stone sure foot.

Ead: Your ships have been washed away,

The bay must have swallowed them

In the storm last night,

For the ports are barren today.

Goth: My lord, if that is so, our men

Shall have no other choice than to

Cross the Wrothgar gap.

Ead: My home is safe, you know

Not what you walk into. This

Land is still wilderness that

Even my men do not venture to.

Goth: We travel light and near to homeland bay,

(aside) To steer away from or fortune delay.

Ead: Then to Daggerfall you are found

Till the time of our interests waxed.

Goth: Hail High Rock

(Exit Gothyrd and Attendants)

Ead: I must ask for time with Marithyn,

There is much healing needed.

(Exit all except Eadwyre and Marithyn)

Mar: My lord, your palor and demeanor

Is not of normal structure.

(aside) Perhaps his visions were not

Of ale and grog set.

Ead: Marithyn, my closest friend, I have

More of my visions that I did not

Dispose with the court. The lady

Presented herself to me, she was

Kynareth. She warned me

Of the growing swarm of Skyrim.

She blessed me of water and

Asked of me to invade the east,

And by Akatosh I would be invincible.

Mar: Devine will do not be tampered

When did the goddess proclaim our victory?

Ead: By mid-year celebration we shall

Reign the highest rock of Tamriel.

Mar: But how my lord? Our forces

Are depleted of the Orsinium region.

Ead: We shall use the empire funds to raise

An army, and with our sister and

Cameron of the red sands we shall

March our flag into Snowhawk.

Mar: How will we convince Lysandus

To relieve funds he risked overthrow for

To join league with the sand viper?

Ead: Tonight, on his journey home, Gothyrd

Shall come upon a broken passage. He

Shall fall victim to the navigation of

The Gro-Kar Forest. To Lysandus shall

Be sent the notice of a barbarian ambush

That has stolen the prince. With much of his

Forces missing he will call upon Sentinel

For arms and will grant us of our monetary needs.

Mar: Gothyrd will find his way of the tangled

Forest, then what shall excuse us?

Ead: By then my lady's will shall be done.

And all disease is cured

In the balms of victory.

Scene II

Gothyrd's men have nearly reached the peaks mount.

Goth: Banthas, do you see the cliffs of Cauisian

There to the north, blocking the route to Skyrim.

Ban: Yes my lord, I walked the valley

Of Wrothgar in the small campaigns of Haafinheim.

Goth: Do you believe the story of the mouths?

That as the first of our kind came here,

Within that divide a thousand were killed

By the voices of 3?

Ban: I believe it, and I live to reconcile it sire.

Goth: How powerful they were,

Yet in their turbulence

No wake was left in their absence.

To where does Akatosh send such spirits?

What can be said at the death of gods?

Ban: Even these granite walls are

Faced to the wind, and one

Day shall be of a grain of sand.

Men are forgot, but tales remembered.

Tales are lost but their stones recovered.

What then of when the stones fall?

Then the truth is lost.

Goth: These stones may last until

The end still, and will tell their story.

(Enter Messenger scout)

Mess: My lord, the west walls casts

The storm's pale winter corona.

Our light shall only last

A length of one degree,

Shall we descend?

Goth: We descend tonight to reach

Our kind post of no delay.

(Exit Messenger scout)

Ban: My lord, this land will

Be no kin tonight. The guards can

Not continue this, nor can you.

Goth: A great rising of ancient air

Surfaces between the bricks of Wayrest,

Which looms over my conscious

As the shadow of these mountains

From the cold dying sun.

(Banthas falls back until he watches guard behind the soldiers.)

Ban: These times are not lost

To one who has seen so many

Of less fervor. The prince

Does not know the post to

Which he leads us, the night's

Sea will sink us to its endless depths.

Ant.: Act I Acima: The Wealth of Wayrest Próx.: Act III