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Morrowind Mod:Tamriel Rebuilt/The Family Tomaril

< Morrowind Mod:Tamriel Rebuilt

The Following is a Detailed Account of the Stewardship of the Family Tomaril Over the Holding Known as the Valley of Nerevar

There follows a lengthy account of hundreds upon hundreds of years worth of various lords from the family Tomaril. This continues until the current head of the family, Brevaris, starts his writings.

Lord Brevaris Tomaril of House Indoril

Upon my father's death, his estates pass on to me. Such is the way of things: age sneaks up on even the greatest or wisest. His passing was a peaceful one; mother had died many years before. I was filled with pride as I bore him down the long road to Necrom and placed his ashes in the Indoril Vaults after his cremation.

Thus I find myself returned to the house of my youth: our family holdings in Eastern Morrowind. After spending the last seven years in Amalexia, I find it strange to be so far from civilization once more. Yet there is a certain beauty in these parts. There can be no greater joy than to walk in the footsteps of a great saint, and find peace in his valley. To those who may read this account and are not familiar with this saint or this valley: the saint is none other than Nerevar, the strong and wise, head of our house in days gone by. Before the War of the First Council, Nerevar and his advisors governed with peace and justice.

[Brevaris continues musing for quite some pages]

I find strife in these parts, far more than was present in the past. The border tensions with House Telvanni have definitely been on the rise recently. I only pray that they do not come to defile Nerevar's sacred valley. This is why our family is here; this is why I have returned to the place of my father and his father before him. I must safeguard the valley against those who would wish it ill.

Yet those who are faithful are most welcome at my home. My retainers and I are most pleased to meet pilgrims, for it is not often that we have visitors this far away from civilization.