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Morrowind Mod:Tamriel Rebuilt/Ilnori Pelelius

< People / Merchants
Ilnori Pelelius (TR_m1_Ilnori_Pelelius)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt, Map 1
Home Town Bal Oyra
Store Ilnori's Bakery
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 7 Class Baker
Gold 800 Mercantile Apprentice (16)
Sells Ingredients, Misc
Other Information
Health 92 Magicka 114
Ilnori Pelelius

Ilnori Pelelius is an Imperial baker who runs a bakery in Bal Oyra.

She sells a range of freshly-baked produce and several items used in its preparation.


  • Items in bold are Leveled Lists. Click on them to learn more about what they may contain.
Item Qty
Bread 11
Colovian Loaf 7
Cookie 10
Deshaan Bread 10
Saltrice 5
Scrib Pie 1
random_de_cheapfood_01_ne 5
Basket 5
Bottle 2
Bowl 1
Bucket 1
Cup 3
Cutting Board 1
Item Qty
Misc (cont)
Flask 1
Fork 10
Green Glass 4
Iron Ladle 1
Jug 5
Knife 7
Pan 4
Pitcher 1
Plate 3
Platter 2
Rolling Pin 2
Spoon 5
Tankard 9