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Morrowind Mod:Tamriel Rebuilt/Hlorgir Firm-Hand

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Hlorgir Firm-Hand (TR_m2_Hlorgir Firm-Hand / TR_m2_q_A8_1_Hlorgir_2 / TR_m2_q_A8_1_Hlorgir_3)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt, Map 3
Home Town Ayemar
Location Guard Tower
Race Nord Gender Male
Level 3 Class Commoner
Other Information
Health 67 Magicka 64
Hlorgir Firm-Hand

Hlorgir Firm-Hand is a Nord commoner wrongfully imprisoned in Ayemar for smuggling. He can be found in the Guard Tower. After his quest, he can be found at his shack, located just south of Ayemar, somewhat hidden in a small valley near the Daedric shrine Oethadapilu, west of the Dwemer ruin of Bazhthum. Depending on the results of the quest, he may be alive standing just outside his shack, or dead on the floor inside.

Related Quests


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