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Morrowind Mod:Tamriel Rebuilt/Garrulus Meril

< People
Garrulus Meril (TR_m1_q_Garrulus)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt, Map 1
Location Firewatch
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 6 Class Rogue
Other Information
Health 72 Magicka 88
Follower During Coladia Nelus' Stalker
Garrulus Meril

Garrulus Meril is an Imperial rogue who has become obsessed with the idea that Coladia Nelus possesses a powerful amulet that once belonged to her ancestor, Martillian Nelus. He has taken to hanging around outside her house in Firewatch, and has upset Coladia to the extent that she has hired the Fighters Guild to deal with him.

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