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Morrowind Mod:Tamriel Rebuilt/Dead Man

< People
Dead Man (TR_m1_Q62_KtM_Messenger)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt, Map 1
Location Molagreahd Region (20,20)
Race Breton Gender Male
Level 11 Class Battlemage
Other Information
Health 0 (Dead) Magicka 164
Faction(s) Mainland Mages Guild 2(2)
The Dead Man

The Dead Man was a Breton battlemage and Journeyman in the Mainland Mages Guild who was delivering an Encrypted Message to Joslin Stoinles in The Black Ogre Tavern, Bal Oyra. Unfortunately, he ran into a group of three Telvanni agents led by Uryn Malas‎ who were keen to see the information never reached its intended destination.

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