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Morrowind Mod:Tamriel Rebuilt/Ainssa

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Ainssa (TR_m1_Ainssa)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt, Map 1
Location Firewatch Palace, Audience Chambers
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Level 12 Class Mage
Other Information
Health 77 Magicka 138
Faction(s) Mainland Mages Guild 2(2)

Ainssa is a Khajiit mage, who is a representative for the Mages Guild in the Firewatch Palace. She came from Elsweyr and is a typical Khajiit: Yes, Ainssa is Khajiit. Suthay-raht like Ainssa can run quickly and jump far. When Ainssa is scared and has to run away, she is glad she is Khajiit.

In fact, she is a bit too frightful to join the Twin Lamps, although she would want to join them. Because she is scared easily, she defends herself well: she carries two magic scrolls with her and a Wild Shardblade.