ModRegion, RegionID, Clear, Cloudy, Foggy, Overcast, Rain, Thunder, Ash, Blight, Unknown1, Unknown2 Where: RegionID = Region to change the weather in Clear = Chance of clear weather (percent, 0 to 100, float) Cloudy = Chance of cloudy weather (percent, 0 to 100, float) Foggy = Chance of fog (percent, 0 to 100, float) Overcast = Chance of overcast weather (percent, 0 to 100, float) Rain = Chance of rain (percent, 0 to 100, float) Thunder = Chance of thunder storms (percent, 0 to 100, float) Ash = Chance of ash storms (percent, 0 to 100, float) Blight = Chance of blight storms (percent, 0 to 100, float) Unknown1 = Chance of snow (percent, 0 to 100, float) (Bloodmoon) Unknown2 = Chance of blizzard (percent, 0 to 100, float) (Bloodmoon) Type: Weather Returns: none Example: ModRegion, "Weather Machine", 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ModRegion, "Red Mountain Region", 50, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Scripts: weatherScript Endgame
Changes the weather chances for the RegionID. Used to get rid of, or add weathers to an area permanently. The values must add up to 100 or you will get odd results. Note that the last two weather types are undocumented and currently unknown but presumably are the two new snow/blizzard weather types added with Bloodmoon.
See Also: ChangeWeather