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Morrowind Mod:Cleaning Mods

< Modding: Mod Management

This page talks about cleaning mods. It is divided into three sections for different levels of cleaning. The levels are meant to be performed sequentially (Basic before Advanced before Mod Makers).


Mod users should clean every plugin (.esp/.esm) file before using in-game. The current standard is to run 'tes3cmd clean "plugin1.esp" '. Make sure to put the plugin name in double quotes if it contains spaces, and include the file extension.

  • This removes the so-called 'evil' GMST entries, duplicate object instances, duplicate records, redundant ambient light & water height records, and junk cells created by a CS bug. The mod is now considered safe for use.


Note: Successfully executing this level of cleaning will require an understanding of plugin file format and close familiarity with powerful tools, sometimes including the CS. Due to the high potential for breaking mods it is not recommended for the casual mod user.

Generating a tes3lint report may be helpful in determining unnecessary entries. Run TESTool clean command on mod. Check log. If any records were deleted that should remain try cleaning mods with one or both of the restricted options enabled. If necessary records are still deleted then use the plugin as cleaned by tes3cmd and remove unnecessary records as per below.

Sources: [1] [2] [3]

Mod Makers

Note: Successfully executing this level of cleaning will require knowledge of the mod's scope and intention. It is therefore only recommended for the mod author or those in close contact with the mod author.

Use GMST Vaccine during creation. Generate tes3lint report. Eliminate unnecessary records using Enchanted Editor/TESAME.

Additional Reading