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Morrowind:Tuveso Beleth

< People / Merchants / Blacksmiths
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Tuveso Beleth (tuveso beleth)
Home City Ald'ruhn
Store Tuveso Beleth: Smith
Race Dunmer Gender Female
Level 18 Class Smith
Other Repairs Repairs
Gold 2200 Mercantile Novice (10)
Other Information
Health 182 Magicka 108
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) House Redoran Oathman(Oathman)
Tuveso Beleth

Tuveso Beleth is a Dunmer smith in the Redoran Council Hall in the Manor District of Ald'ruhn. She is an Oathman in House Redoran. To find her shop, enter the Redoran Council Hall through the left door. Her smith shop and home will be right across the entrance on the first floor.

Related Quests

House Redoran


  • Negative numbers indicate restocking items.
  • Items in italics are equipped, and can be purchased if you sell her something better first. (If there is more than one, you may be able to purchase the others.)
  • Items in bold are Leveled Lists. Click on them to learn more about what they may contain.
Item Qty
Armun-An Bonemold Cuirass -1
Armun-An Bonemold L Pauldron -1
Armun-An Bonemold R Pauldron -1
Bonemold Boots -1
Bonemold Greaves -1
Bonemold Left Bracer -1
Bonemold Right Bracer -1
Chitin Boots 1
Chitin Greaves 1
Chitin Tower Shield 1
Gah-Julan Bonemold L Pauldron 1
Gah-Julan Bonemold R Pauldron 1
Native Armun-An Bonemold Helm -1
Native Chuzei Bonemold Helm 1
Native Gah-Julan Bonemold Helm 1
Steel Greaves 1
random_armor_steel -3
Item Qty
Glass Claymore 1
Iron Arrow -100
Iron Battle Axe 1
Iron Bolt -50
Iron Throwing Knife -50
Steel Club -1
Steel Katana 1
Steel Mace -1
Steel Shortsword 1
Steel Spear -1
Steel Warhammer -1
random_iron_weapon -2
Repair Tools
Repair Prongs -10
Journeyman's Armorer's Hammer -10
Master's Armorer's Hammer -10
GrandMaster's Armorer's Hammer 10