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Morrowind:Sedris Omalen

< People / Merchants / Spell Merchants / Spellmakers
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Sedris Omalen (sedris omalen)
Home Town Maar Gan
Store Maar Gan Outpost
Race Dunmer Gender Female
Level 9 Class Priest Service
Other Spellmaking Spellmaker
Gold 200 Mercantile Novice (10)
Spells Illusion SpellsMysticism SpellsRestoration Spells
Other Information
Health 68 Magicka 102
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) House Redoran Retainer(Retainer)
Sedris Omalen

Sedris Omalen is a Dunmer priestess who serves at the Outpost in Maar Gan. There she sells ingredients, potions, spells, and spellmaking services to all who need them. Sedris is a restocking vendor for the following ingredients: Alit Hide, Black Lichen, Corkbulb Root, Hackle-Lo Leaf, and Saltrice.


Sedris has the following spells available for sale:

Spell Name Cost Effects
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
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{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
