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Morrowind:Old Blue Fin

< Quests: House Redoran
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Este artigo é sobre the quest. Para the creature, veja Old Blue Fin (creature).

Kill an old menace that has been bothering people around the docks in Ald Velothi.
Quest Giver: Theldyn Virith at Ald Velothi
Location(s): Ald Velothi
Prerequisite Quest: Deliver Cure Disease Potion
Next Quest: Ashimanu Mine
Reward: 10 Dreugh Wax
Disposition: +10 (Theldyn Virith)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Redoran)
ID: HR_OldBlueFin
Just when you thought it was safe to swim near Ald Velothi...

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Speak to Theldyn Virith for duties.
  2. Kill Old Blue Fin at the Ald Velothi docks.
  3. Return to Theldyn Virith.

Detailed Walkthrough


Once you finish Neminda's courier quest, Theldyn Virith in the outpost in Ald Velothi will ask you to kill a dangerous slaughterfish known as Old Blue Fin. The fish is somewhere around the Ald Velothi docks and has been annoying the Dreugh hunters.

Go Fishing

Old Blue Fin is quite a bit more powerful than a regular slaughterfish. It has over twice as much health and can cause over four times as much damage as any normal slaughterfish. To find Old Blue Fin, simply head down to the docks and look for him. Once the slaughterfish is dead, report back to Theldyn in Ald Velothi to complete the quest.


  • Old Blue Fin cannot be found prior to starting this quest.

Quest Stages

These Codes can be used along with the Journal Console Command and Quest ID given within the chart to update the quest to a certain point.

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Old Blue Fin|HR_OldBlueFin}}

{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=20|2=|3=Theldyn Virith told me that Old Blue Fin is an unusually strong Slaughterfish well known around this area. Theldyn asked me to find Old Blue Fin and kill him. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=100|2=yes|3=I killed Old Blue Fin for Theldyn Virith. }}

Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry

Prev: Deliver Cure Disease Potion Up: House Redoran Quests Next: Ashimanu Mine