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Morrowind:Redoran Council Hall

< Places: Guild Halls(Redirecionado de Morrowind:Nilos Talds)
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Guild Hall:
Redoran Council Hall
(view on map)
House Steward Neminda
Console Location Code(s)
Ald-ruhn, Redoran Council Entrance
Ald-ruhn, Redoran Council Hall
Ald-ruhn, Practice Room
Ald-ruhn, Malpenix Blonia: Trader
Ald-ruhn, Tuveso Beleth: Smith
Ald-ruhn, Council Hostel
Ald-ruhn, Morvayn Quarters
Ald-ruhn, Boldrisa Andrano's House
Ald-ruhn, Galsa Gindu's House
Ald-ruhn, Goras Andrelo's House
Ald-ruhn, Guls Llervu's House
Ald'ruhn, [-2,7]
The Redoran Council Hall

Redoran Council Hall is located Under-Skar in the Manor District.

MW-banner-House Redoran.png

If you have the Entertainers official plug-in installed, a copy of The Battle of Molag Beran can be found in the Morvayn Quarters.

Inside the Redoran Council Hall

Related Quests

Main Quest

House Redoran


Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Boldrisa Andrano Female&F Dunmer Agent House Redoran Oathman(Oathman) 7 66 94 0 30 Boldrisa Andrano's House Trainer
Mistress Brara Morvayn Female&F Dunmer Noble House Redoran Councilman(Councilman) 19 142 138 90 30 Morvayn Quarters
Deval Beleth Male&M Dunmer Pilgrim 4 63 86 0 30 Tuveso Beleth: Smith
Galsa Gindu Female&F Dunmer Noble House Redoran Hireling(Hireling) 7 71 100 0 30 Galsa Gindu's House
Goras Andrelo Male&M Dunmer Scout House Redoran Oathman(Oathman) 7 90 94 0 30 Goras Andrelo's House Trainer
Guls Llervu Male&M Dunmer Priest Service House Redoran Lawman(Lawman) 10 77 106 100 30 Guls Llervu's House Merchant;
Spell Merchant;
Malpenix Blonia Male&M Imperial Trader Service House Redoran Kinsman(Kinsman) 12 112 116 100 30 Malpenix Blonia: Trader Merchant
Mivanu Andrelo {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] Goras Andrelo's House
Mivanu Retheran Female&F Dunmer Savant Service House Redoran Lawman(Lawman) 12 89 142 100 30 Council Hall Merchant; Trainer
Mondros Balur Male&M Dunmer Master-at-Arms House Redoran Oathman(Oathman) 17 187 106 100 30 Morvayn Quarters Trainer
Neminda Female&F Redguard Drillmaster House Redoran Kinsman(Kinsman) 14 133 100 90 30 Council Entrance
Nilos Talds {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] Morvayn Quarters
Tuveso Beleth Female&F Dunmer Smith House Redoran Oathman(Oathman) 18 182 108 100 30 Tuveso Beleth: Smith Merchant; Repairs
Vonden Mano Male&M Dunmer Master-at-Arms House Redoran House Father(House Father) 20 208 110 0 30 Practice Room Trainer


Map of the Redoran Council Hall
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