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Morrowind:Miles Gloriosus

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Miles Gloriosus (miles gloriosus)
Home Town Maar Gan
Location Andus Tradehouse
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 9 Class Warrior
Other Information
Health 119 Magicka 92
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Miles Gloriosus

Miles Gloriosus is an Imperial warrior located in his room in the Andus Tradehouse in Maar Gan. You can hear many rumors about him being a great warrior. If you ask other warriors about little advice they may mention him as the model of the warrior. They also say that he is on a crusade in Maar Gan to kill monsters sneaking through the Ghostfence. He has a Shiny Key in his pocket, which opens a crate in his room where you can find 50 gold and the book Withershins, which is required for a quest. He is not member of any faction, and offers no training to you. He offers unique information about the various weapon and armor types through the topic my trade.

Related Quests