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Morrowind:Mansilamat Vabdas

< Creatures: Undead
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Mansilamat Vabdas (in the flesh)
Mansilamat Vabdas (mansilamat vabdas)
Home Town Gnisis
Location Underground Stream
Race Dunmer Gender Male
Level 1 Class Miner
Other Information
Health 0 (Dead) Magicka 20
Alarm 0 Fight 0
Faction(s) House Redoran Hireling(Hireling)
Mansilamat Vabdas (ancestor_ghost_vabdas)
Home City Gnisis
Location Underground Stream
Species Ancestor Ghost Soul Grand (280)
Level 1 Type Undead
  • 1-10pts melee
Other Information
Health 220 Magicka 280
Alarm 0 Fight 0
Mansilamat Vabdas (in spirit)

Mansilamat Vabdas was a Dunmer miner who met a foul end in the caverns connected to the Gnisis Eggmine by Lugrub gro-Ogdum. You can help avenge his death during the Widow Vabdas' Deed quest for the Imperial Legion.


  • broken axe:
    • "Take the axe from the water behind me as proof of Lugrub's crimes."
    • "Show the axe to Darius."
  • Greeting:
    • "Do not fear me, %PCRace. Listen, and I will tell you how I was murdered by Lugrum gro-Ogdum.
    • "You have heard my story. Do what you will."
  • land deed: "Do not let them take my lands. Avenge my death and let my wife live in peace."
  • Lugrub gro-Ogdum: "I came to the mines to get fresh kwama eggs for my family. Lugrub gro-Ogdum was sleeping, and I snuck past him. When I found enough eggs, I went back the way I came, only this time Lugrub was awake. Lugrub murdered me so that no one would know he failed his duty. He dropped the broken axe he used next to my body in the water behind me."

Related Quests

Imperial Legion