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Morrowind:Manos Othreleth

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Manos Othreleth (Manos Othreleth)
Location Dren Plantation
Race Dunmer Gender Male
Level 22 Class Warrior
Other Information
Health 226 Magicka 114
Alarm 90 Fight 40
Faction(s) House Hlaalu Kinsman(Kinsman)
Manos Othreleth

Manos Othreleth is a Dunmer warrior found at the Dren Plantation, just outside Orvas Dren's villa. Although officially a member of House Hlaalu, he is also one of the top enforcers of the Camonna Tong, Morrowind's native crime syndicate.

Helviane Desele, the owner of Desele's House of Earthly Delights, owes him "protection money", and he threatens to put her "out of business" if she does not pay it. He has hired the Fighters Guild to deal with the matter.

Depending on how you solve the quest, he will respond to you in different ways. If you convince Desele to pay (or pay it off yourself) he will congratulate you, saying you have a good way with people. If you kill her, he will scold you, saying you have no sense of business. Either way, he will not provide any additional reward.

Related Quests

Fighters Guild


  • He wears a complete set of Dwemer armor (minus the helmet).
  • If you free any slaves on the plantation, he will turn hostile.