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Morrowind:Llerar Mandas

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Llerar Mandas (llerar mandas)
Home City Ebonheart
Location Grand Council Chambers
Race Dunmer Gender Male
Level 21 Class Crusader
Other Information
Health 187 Magicka 124
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Faction(s) House Redoran House Brother(House Brother)
Llerar Mandas

Llerar Mandas is a Dunmer crusader who can be found in the Grand Council Chambers of Castle Ebonheart, where he represents House Redoran on Duke Vedam Dren's Grand Council, the legislature of Vvardenfell District. He is also the father of Arethan Mandas and the Grandfather of Delyna Mandas. During The Mad Lord of Milk quest, you can ask him about his son. He explains that his son has become mad after Divayth Fyr kidnapped Arethan's daughter, Delyna, and tells you that it may calm his son's insanity if his daughter is returned to him.

Related Quests

House Redoran