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Morrowind:Khuul Homes

< Places: Houses / Khuul(Redirecionado de Morrowind:Helga's Shack)

Khuul is an out-of-the-way town in the West Gash region offering few services. It is, however, somewhat well situated for travel. The town is accessible by boat from Gnaar Mok and Dagon Fel, and by silt strider from Gnisis, Maar Gan, and Ald'ruhn. Almsivi and Divine Intervention will both bring you to Gnisis. If you have the Bloodmoon expansion installed, the boat here is the easiest way to get to Solstheim. The homes are all relatively poor and have few valuables, and there are only a few people here of note.


Aldi's Shack

Aldi's Shack

Storage: 2 Barrels, 1 Crate, 5 Sacks
Occupant(s): Aldi
Description: This tiny shack on the docks is the home of Aldi, a woman of no consequence. There is almost nothing here of value.

Brurid's Shack

Brurid's Shack

Storage: 5 Barrels, 1 Basket, 1 Chest, 7 Crates, 8 Sacks, 1 Small Chest
Occupant(s): Brurid
Description: This is the largest shack in town, belonging to Brurid, who seems to be doing pretty well for himself smuggling Moon Sugar. A few of the containers here contain the narcotic, and there's some on a plate on the table. There's not much else here, other than more random ingredients and other low-quality loot in the various containers.

Endris Dilmyn's Shack

Endris Dilmyn's Shack

Storage: 2 Barrels, 1 Chest, 1 Crate, 7 Sacks
Occupant(s): Endris Dilmyn
Description: This shack on the end of the docks belongs to Endris Dilmyn, who is a Sleeper for the Sixth House. His possessions are fairly meager, limited mainly to food and the clothes on his back. About the only reason to visit here is to get your free Reputation point for awakening the sleepers.

Helga's Shack

Helga's Shack

Storage: 4 Barrels, 1 Basket, 1 Chest, 6 Sacks
Occupant(s): Helga
Description: This medium-sized shack on the south docks is the home of Helga, a Nord woman of no importance. Look for a copy of 2920, Evening Star, a Short Blade skill book, on her table. It's about the only thing of value here.

Miron Garer's Shack

Miron Garer's Shack

Storage: 5 Barrels, 9 Sacks
Occupant(s): Miron Garer
Description: This medium-sized shack on the shore across from Thongar's Tradehouse belongs to Miron Garer, an inconsequential Dunmer. There's little here of any value.

Nelmyne Andules's Shack

Nelmyne Andules's Shack

Storage: 3 Barrels, 1 Basket, 4 Crates, 5 Sacks
Occupant(s): Nilmyne Andules
Description: This medium-sized shack on the north docks belongs to Nelmyne Andules, another Dunmer woman of no interest. There's nothing of value here other than food and clutter.

Rivame Samandas's Shack

Rivame Samandas's Shack

Storage: 4 Barrels, 1 Chest, 1 Crate, 7 Sacks
Occupant(s): None (Rivame Samandas can be found wandering outside)
Description: This small shack on the south dock belongs to Rivame Samandas. He's wandering around outside, so it's locked (20 points). There is no key. However, the contents are barely worth the effort, being limited mostly to ingredients and other random loot. There's an Iron Saber between the floor boards by the bed.

Svadstar's Shack

Svadstar's Shack

Storage: 7 Barrels, 1 Crate, 8 Sacks
Occupant(s): None (Svadstar can be found wandering outside)
Description: This small shack north of Thongar's Tradehouse belongs to Svadstar, a Dunmer of no importance who can be found wandering around outside. It has a 25 point lock, for which there is no key. There's a couple of Pearls and some Dreugh Wax in the bowls on the table, and random ingredients in most of the containers around the shack, but little else of value here.