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Morrowind:Foyada Esannudan

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This place page is currently being rewritten as part of the Morrowind Overhaul Project.
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The Shrine of Pride, inside the Ghostfence

Foyada Esannudan is the short hardened lava river branching off of Foyada Mamaea and running between it and Foyada Ashur-Dan, leading from north of Ghostgate south and east, ending just southeast of Ghostgate. The cave of Sharapli is in this foyada, just south of where it crosses the Ghostfence. The Shrine of Pride and Dunirai Caverns are located just off this foyada. The Foyada Esannudan is guarded by leveled ash creatures, and not a friendly place for ill-prepared travelers.


There are conflicting statements within the game as to the location of this foyada. Asking about "crater citadels" from various members of the Tribunal Temple will get you the following statement:

The only approach to the crater citadels is up Foyada Esannudan from Fort Moonmoth, through the Ghostfence at the fortress of Ghostgate, and down into the crater.

And asking about "specific place" while in Ghostgate will give you the following:

Ghostgate consists of two towers, the Tower of Dusk -- the west keep -- and the Tower of Dawn -- the east keep -- with a temple between the two towers, and a tunnel beneath the temple leading up Foyada Esannudan into Red Mountain.

However, the foyada described in both of these statements is actually Foyada Mamaea, as seen labeled on the paper map, and in the description when you ask about "Foyada Mamaea":

Foyada Mamaea is a volcanic ravine that runs from the top of Red Mountain southwest to its end just below Balmora. An old Dwemer bridge crosses the foyada near Fort Moonmoth. The best route to Ghostgate is to follow Foyada Mamaea up from where the Pelagiad-Balmora road crosses the foyada southeast of Fort Moonmoth.

Since Ghostgate and Moonmoth can't be in two places at once, there is an inconsistancy in these statements. However, the statement by Hrundi during the Sujamma to Dunirai quest gives you the following directions:

Take this load of sujamma to Nelacar in the Dunirai Caverns southeast of Ghostgate between the Foyada Esannudan and the Foyada Ashur-Dan.

The foyada marked on the map corresponds to these directions rather than the previous conflicting statements. Since the foyada is not labeled on any map, we have no other information to explain these discrepencies.


Ficheiro:MW Map FoyadaEsannudan.jpg
Map of Foyada Esannudan