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Morrowind:Dralosa Athren

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Dralosa Athren (dralosa athren)
Home City Balmora
Location Outside
House Dralosa Athren's House
Race Dunmer Gender Female
Level 3 Class Pauper
Other Information
Health 45 Magicka 84
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Dralosa Athren

Dralosa Athren is a Dunmer pauper living in Balmora. She can be found wandering around town near the Odai River. She wears a common robe with matching shoes and ring. Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows no spells.

She has a house in the Labor Town district of Balmora. It's a modest one-room house. Near the entrance are a few counters and containers full of clutter. On the other side of the house, there's a bed and a chest that contains some clothes and some gold.

When asked about latest rumors, she will tell you: "I heard the East Empire Company was fed up with House Hlaalu and were looking for another source of Ebony."