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Lore:House Dres

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Concept art of a Dres elf
Casa Dres é uma sociedade agrícola, e suas grandes plantações de arroz dependem totalmente de trabalho escravo para sua viabilidade econômica. Sempre firmes apoiadores do Templo, a Casa Dres é hostil às leis e cultura Imperiais, em particular opostos a qualquer tentativa de limitar a escravidão.Grandes Casas de Morrowind
"Casa Dres representa o passado da cultura das Grandes Casas pré-Tribunal, uma tradição persistente de adoração de Daedra - e ancestrais - de clãs Dunmer civilizados."Vivec

Casa Dres é uma das Grandes Casas de Morrowind, com presença apenas no continente. Ela governava o Distrito Dres do sudeste de Morrowind da cidade de Fissura. O distrito incluia partes da fértil planícia de Deshaan , e fazia fronteira com o Distrito Indoril e os charcos e pântanos do Pântano Negro. Na Segunda Era-média, Casa Dres também controlava as cidade de Coração-Ébano e Kragenermo no centro de Morrowind. Foi formalmente estabelecida como uma Grande Casa pelo Grão-mestre Thalthil Dres após um ataque escravo em Acúleo.

A Dres possuía uma socieadade agrária majoritariamente rural mas ainda muito rica, mantendo vastas plantações de salgarroz nas planícies e pântanos ao redor de Fissura. Os Dres eram também os Dunmer que escravisavam e enviavam escravos para as outras Grandes Casas, mantendo milhares de cativos, principalmente Argonianos, em seus infames currais-de-escravos de Fissura e as plantações ao redor.

House Dres greatly opposed joining the Empire. During the Four-Score War, the House refused to fortify the western borders, favoring instead guerrilla warfare. They lost most of their support when their traditional allies, the members of House Indoril, began to commit suicide after the Armistice was signed. They remained hostile to Imperial culture throughout the Third Era, and in particular refuted any attempts to limit the institution of slavery.

During the Arnesian War, one of many wars during the Imperial Simulacrum of Jagar Tharn, a slave revolt was instigated in the Dres District. This escalated until the swampy plains erupted in blood and fire, with a full-scale conflict between Morrowind and Black Marsh. In 3E 433, rumors circulating the province of Cyrodiil suggested that House Dres had finally accepted Imperial rule and renounced the slave trade. The House sought new allies in King Hlaalu Helseth and his House Hlaalu.

In 4E 5, the eruption of Red Mountain sent tremors through the province. The Dres lands near the marshy border regions suddenly subsided, and were engulfed by the swamps. The southern wall of Tear collapsed as a result. Following the Red Year, the Argonians of Black Marsh invaded Morrowind, and ravaged the southern reaches of the province. It is not clear whether this was an attempt at expansion, or revenge for the enslavement of their people, but the Dres District, being the most southerly region and the home of the former slave-masters, would have been the first area they laid siege to. While House Dres still sits on the Grand Council of Morrowind, the current status of the House and its holdings is unknown.

See Also
