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< Bestiário: [[Lore:Bestiário [|[]](Redirecionado de Lore:Hoarvor)


Hackwings are giant birds with long, saw-like beaks nearly the size of the rest of their bodies, found in the Black Marsh. They are said to attack travelers and then fly off and come back when the victim is almost dead from blood loss.

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Hag Fen Hagfish

A Hag Fen hagfish

A type of fish that can be found in Glenumbra.

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A hagraven

Hagravens are a horrific cross between an old crone and a bird. Usually they are extremely hostile to outsiders, but they retain the ability to communicate. They are equally dangerous up close or when casting spells from afar. They can often be found in the company of the Forsworn, who revere hagravens as their Matriarchs and leaders, or dwelling in secret groves and lairs in the wilderness with other witches and hags. Few creatures match the cunning, depravity and the repulsiveness of the hagravens. They will take through savagery what they cannot win through guile.

Hagravens were once witches that have undergone a ritual, trading in their humanity for access to powerful magic, and the transformations they undergo infuse their entire beings with some element of that power. The Glenmoril Witches of Skyrim were known to be Hagravens.

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A hake

A type of fish that can be found in Rivenspire.

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Harbour Gar

A harbour gar

A type of fish that can be found in Coldharbour.

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A hardyhead

A type of fish that can be found in Shadowfen.

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A long-eared animal that is often hunted. Herma Mora is sometimes depicted as a hare.

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A harpy

Fierce, carnivorous, feminine humanoids with the wings of a bird. They have a reputation as furious creatures who kidnap, mate with, and kill human males. A common nuisance around the Iliac Bay area, particularly in Lainlyn, but found wherever there are rocky cliffs and crags suitable for their nests. Harpies live in primitive matriarchal group, have their own rudimentary language, and have even been known to communicate with mortals. The festival of Riglametha celebrates the supposed creation of the harpies, when the Daedra worshippers of Lainlyn were transformed by a magic robe.

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A Harvester

A powerful daedra with four arms that serves Molag Bal.

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A hawk

Hawks are birds found throughout Skyrim. They are hunted for their beaks, feathers and eggs, which can be used as alchemy ingredients. They are territorial animals who rarely venture far from their nests. Though predatory, they only hunt smaller birds and vermin. Trained hawks have been used to convey orders during battle. Undead variants are known as Bone Hawks.

The ancient Atmorans worshiped the hawk, alongside several other animal totems. Nords often associate the goddess Kyne with the hawk, and are known to use stylized motifs of the bird in their architecture, crafts, and clothing. Similarly, the Khajiiti goddess Khenarthi is sometimes represented as a great hawk.

The hawk's keen sight, accuracy, and rending claws inspired the sword-songs of the Ra Gada, and they were known to engrave their blades with the wings of the hawk. During the Chimeri exodus to Morrowind, Saint Veloth was supposedly guided by a great hawk in the sky. The town of Santaki was home to an order of knights named after the hawk during the Third Era.

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Heinous Gar

A heinous gar

A type of fish that can be found in Coldharbour.

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Hell Hound

These canines are actually from the nether planes, usually summoned by some powerful being to perform a service. They attack with their powerful jaws, or with a fire breath that burns their intended victims. See also: Timber Wolf, Snow Wolf, Dog, Wolf, Bonewolf, Skinned Hound, and Death Hound

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Este artigo é sobre the daedra. Para the island of the same name, veja Herne (place).

A herne

These Daedra are slightly intelligent hunters associated with Mehrunes Dagon and Hircine. Possibly somewhat related to the Morphoid Daedra and the Scamps.

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A histcarp

Histcarp are a common type of fish that can be caught in ponds, lakes, and other bodies of water.

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A hoarvor

A large insect.

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A hairless monkey-like creature used as an assistant to the chefs on Umbriel. They have long arms and legs, very long, thin, delicate fingers, huge toothless mouths, large green eyes and very simple language skills.

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Hog Sucker

A hog sucker

A type of fish that can be found in Grahtwood.

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A strange being created by a high level wizard who has somehow combined the properties of certain spells with parts of various demons. These creatures are often set to guard areas, using their ability to fly to patrol corridors. May be related to imps.

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A horker

An amphibious creature, with three tusks surrounding its mouth, two long flippers and a strong tail. They are native to Solstheim, Skyrim, and northeastern High Rock, and are actively hunted by the Skaal for their horns and meat. Although usually passive, they will attack when provoked or during mating season. Lake Fjalding is the mating grounds for the horkers of Solstheim. The second sign of the Bloodmoon Prophecy involves dead horkers all along the coasts of Solstheim.

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A herd of horses

A domesticated quadrupedal animal used for travel. They may occasionally be eaten, but this is considered in bad taste. See also: Bay horse, Black horse, Chestnut horse, Paint horse, and White horse.

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Hulking Fabricant

A hulking fabricant

Hulking Fabricants are horrid creatures created by Sotha Sil, resembling an undersized dragon with six legs and a tail stinger. They seem to be more strong than fast and attack with claws, fangs, and tail.

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A hunger

The Hunger is one of the many daedric servants of Daedra Lord Boethiah and is known for its long tongue, demonic appearance, and uncanny ability to quickly destroy its opponents' armor and weapons. The Hunger uses its long tongue to attack as well as its claws and spells. Sheogorath allows them to roam his realm as pets, as they appeal to the demented side of his personality. Their tongue is notable among alchemists for being used as an ingredient in potions to cure diseases and poisons.

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An armored husky

Huskies are a strong breed of dog, capable in battle against deadly beast and warriors. They are often bred to accompany members of the Dawnguard and the Vigil of Stendarr. Special armor is forged for huskies giving them an edge in combat.

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