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Lore:Flora C

< Flora(Redirecionado de Lore:Comberry Plant)

Cairn Bolete

A group of Cairn Bolete Caps

A white-colored mushroom commonly found growing in caves around Cyrodiil. It is said to mark the place where someone died.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Cairn Bolete Cap

Canis Root

Canis Root bush

A brown root commonly found growing near rocky outcroppings, often beneath the snow line in tundras and marshes. In Skyrim, it is an old tradition to rub canis root on the trees surrounding your house as a ward against werebears.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Canis Root

Canticle Tree

Canticle Tree

A low-growing tree with pink leaves, found growing in secluded ancestor glades around Tamriel. Canticle trees attract ancestor moths, and the bark is used by members of the Ancestor Moth Cult to attract moth swarms.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Canticle Bark

Carrot Plant

A Carrot Plant

A small, leafy plant found growing in the fields of farms around Cyrodiil.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:


Chokeberry Vine

Chokeberry Vines

A long, crimson-colored spiny vine. Cultivated by assassins for its poisonous berries.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:




Chokeweed is a tough shrub growing in the rocky highlands of the West Gash.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:


Cinnabar Polypore

A red Cinnabar Polypore

Both red and yellow varieties are shelf mushrooms that grow on the sides of trees throughout the West Weald region of Cyrodiil.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Cinnabar Polypore Red Cap and Cinnabar Polypore Yellow Cap

Clouded Funnel

Two Clouded Funnel Caps

Clouded Funnel are small, white capped mushrooms found in high altitudes and the Blackwood area of Cyrodiil.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Clouded Funnel Cap


A Columbine Plant

Columbine flowers have a distinctive uniquely shaped red head. They are common in the West Weald region of Cyrodiil.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Columbine Root Pulp (Oblivion) or Columbine (ESO)

Comberry Plant

Comberry Plants

Comberry is a shrub found growning in the Ascadian Isles, that produces a bitter tasting berry.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:



A Corkbulb field

Corkbulb is grown for its tough, fibrous roots. In Vvardenfell the root is often used as a substitute for wood as trees struggle to grow in its harsh environments. Corkbulb grows primarily in the Ascadian Isles of Vvardenfell.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Corkbulb Root

Corn Flower

A Corn Flower plant

A small plant with blue petals found growing all across Tamriel.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Corn Flower

Corn Stalk

A Corn Stalk on a farm.

A tall, thin plant with visible corn bulbs found growing in the fields of farms around Cyrodiil.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:


Creep Cluster

A Creep Cluster

A tendril-like vine that fans out across the ground. It is found in volcanic areas of Tamriel.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Creep ClusterSR, Ash Creep ClusterDB

Crimson Nirnroot

A Crimson Nirnroot

A special variant of Nirnroot that can be found exclusively in Blackreach. Similar to regular Nirnroot, the crimson variety makes an audible humming sound. Its magical potential in alchemy is far greater than the common Nirnroot.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Crimson Nirnroot