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Title Author Description Game(s)
N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis! N'Gasta An obscure text written in the language of the Sload by a necromancer
The Na-Totambu of Yokuda On the lost wisdom of Yokuda
Nchunak's Fire and Faith Nchunak Nchunak's journey amongst the Dwemer and his attempts to understand the teachings of Kagrenac
Necromancer's Moon A note of forewarning to the Order of the Black Worm
Necromancy in Modern Tamriel Wafimeles Masteret (Lorekeeper) A treatise on the current state of necromancy in Tamriel
Necromancy: The Great Debate A criticism against the Mages Guild views on Necromancy
Nedes of the Deathlands Argus Mender A research paper surrounding the possible presence of Nedic civilizations in Hammerfell
A Nereid Stole My Husband A cautionary tale
The Nereid's Dilemma Anthil Morvir A poem on the mono-gendered nature of the Nereids
Nerevar at Red Mountain the Tribunal Temple A scholarly description of the events surrounding the Battle at Red Mountain and its aftermath
Nerevar Moon-and-Star An Imperial scholarly work on the legend of Indoril Nerevar
Netches! Netches! All Around! Anonymous A poem about netches
Newgate's War Of Betony Vulper Newgate A description of the events of the War of Betony
Night Falls on Sentinel Boali How a knight weeds out an enemy of the king
The Night Mother's Truth Gaston Bellefort Uma tese sobre a Irmandade Sombria e sua líder espiritual
Night of Tears Dranor Seleth Um inquérito sobre a causa da Noite de Lágrimas
The Nightingales Gallus Desidenius An insider's account of the Nightingales
Nightingales: Fact or Fiction? Wilimina Roth Dissertation discussing whether a mysterious group of thieves actually exists
Nine Commands of the Eight Divines An overview of principles relating to ethics and worship under the Imperial pantheon
Nirncrux: A Study Mendan Flot, Regent of Roiling Concoctions A treatise on a primordial element discovered in Craglorn
No-h's Picture Book of Wood No-h Um interessante livro sobre madeira
Nobility in Theft Zizar-dar A Treatise on Conscientious Larceny
Nord Armorers and Armsmen Notes on Nordic blacksmithing culture and techniques
Nords Arise! Anonymous Stormcloak's recruitment essay calling for rebellion against the Empire
Nords of Skyrim Hrothmund Wolf-Heart An essay professing the finer qualities of Nords
Northpoint: An Assessment Chancellor Regina Troivois A treatise on House Dorell of Rivenspire
Notes For Redguard History Destri Melarg An unmailed letter from an author to his publisher
Notes on Elven Architecture Gastinus Florus, Masons' Guild Historian Notes on Altmer architecture and its similarities to Ayleid design
Notes on Racial Phylogeny the Council of Healers, Imperial University About the similarities and differences between the races of Tamriel
Notes on Razak Notes on Razak's attempts to create a self-determining automaton
Notes on the Dreugh A list of research notes surrounding the various species of Dreugh
Notes on the Order Skeevera A journal recounting a researcher's attempt to document the taxonomic order Skeevera
Notes on Yngol Barrow A scholar's transcription of ancient Nord writings in a Skyrim barrow
Noxiphilic Sanguivoria Cinna Scholasticus An overview of a vampirism strain common during the Second Era