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A collection of tools for adding subtitles, captions, or other overlays to Daggerfall VID files. Examples included.
Release history
Release 4 (2012-07-24)
- Added binterp to release.
- BMP files with oversized BITMAPINFOHEADER structures (such as those created by ImageMagick) can now be loaded properly.
- If you are using ImageMagick to create overlays, remember to turn compression off, and use the REMAP option in your scripts.
Release 3 (2012-06-23)
- More improved BMP handling:
- Added support for overlays with 2-color (1-bit) palettes, and for using 24-bit BMPs for both masks and overlays. Automatic color mapping is done for both formats.
- Added an option to force use of the VID palette when loading 8-bit overlays: <overlay|overlay.bmp|REMAP>
- The filename of the output VID can now be specified using a second, optional parameter of the VID command: <VID|input.vid|output.vid>
- The file will be backed up if it already exists.
Release 2 (2012-06-16)
- Improved BMP handling:
- Masks can now use 2 or 16 colors, as well as 256; the same rules regarding color indexes (see notes below) still apply, though.
- Overlays can now use 16-color palettes; each color in the BMP will automatically be mapped to the nearest color in the VID palette.
Release 1 (2012-06-13)
- Initial release.
Notes on using VIDTitle
- By default, the subtitled VID will be saved using the original VID's filename with 'Titled.VID' appended; so a script using <VID|DAG2.VID> will produce DAG2.VIDTitled.VID.
- Internally, masks are treated as boolean data--any pixels with a color index greater than 0 (in greyscale masks, anything other than pure black) will cause the corresponding pixels of the VID frame(s) being modified to be replaced with overlay data.
- It should be possible for a single script to modify multiple VID files in sequence, but I haven't really tested that.
This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 2.5. You are free to share and make derivative works of the file under the conditions that you appropriately attribute it, and that you distribute it only under a license identical to this one. |
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