4 317
→Bugs: Move solution out of bug template. Re-add vn parameter.
{{Online Quest Header
|Obj=Weeping Giant — Recover the artifacts and foil the Supernal Dreamers plans.
|Giver=[[Online:Sister Tabakah|Sister Tabakah]]
|Loc=[[Online:Weeping Giant|Weeping Giant]]
|Reward={{Item Link|Twilight Poleyns|level=23|quality=2|id=2514}}<br>196 Gold, {{ESO Veteran|silver={{huh}} Gold,|gold=302 Gold}}
|XP={{ESO XP|s|23}}
|Journal=Supernal Dreamers attacked Azura's shrine at Weeping Giant, killed the Spirit Wardens, and stole many relics. The young novice, Sister Tabakah, asked me to help her recover them and look for a captured warden.
==Quick Walkthrough==
<!-- Instructions: Provide a point-by-point list of the key tasks that need to be completed for this quest. Spoilers should be avoided in the quick walkthrough. -->
==Detailed Walkthrough==
<!-- Instructions: The detailed walkthrough should provide full information about the quest, organized into paragraphs. Spoilers belong in this section.--><!--
Instructions: Add any miscellaneous notes about the quest here.-->
{{Bug|Daedra disappear after 20-30 seconds of combat, or Daedra do not appear at all.|vn=1}}
**Leave area and game may update as mission segment completed.
==Quest Stages==
{{Online Journal Entries
||{{Online Quest Objective||Use Scamp Gem}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Retrieve Nchylbar's Box}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Retrieve Scroll of the Morning}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Retrieve Star Globe}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Find the Captured Spirit Warden}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Collect Conjuration Box Key}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Close Conjuration Box in South Tower}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Close Conjuration Box in North Tower}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Spirit}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Slay the Daedra}}
{{Online Quest Stages Notes}}
{{Online Quest Header
|Obj=Weeping Giant — Recover the artifacts and foil the Supernal Dreamers plans.
|Giver=[[Online:Sister Tabakah|Sister Tabakah]]
|Loc=[[Online:Weeping Giant|Weeping Giant]]
|Reward={{Item Link|Twilight Poleyns|level=23|quality=2|id=2514}}<br>196 Gold, {{ESO Veteran|silver={{huh}} Gold,|gold=302 Gold}}
|XP={{ESO XP|s|23}}
|Journal=Supernal Dreamers attacked Azura's shrine at Weeping Giant, killed the Spirit Wardens, and stole many relics. The young novice, Sister Tabakah, asked me to help her recover them and look for a captured warden.
==Quick Walkthrough==
<!-- Instructions: Provide a point-by-point list of the key tasks that need to be completed for this quest. Spoilers should be avoided in the quick walkthrough. -->
==Detailed Walkthrough==
<!-- Instructions: The detailed walkthrough should provide full information about the quest, organized into paragraphs. Spoilers belong in this section.--><!--
Instructions: Add any miscellaneous notes about the quest here.-->
{{Bug|Daedra disappear after 20-30 seconds of combat, or Daedra do not appear at all.|vn=1}}
**Leave area and game may update as mission segment completed.
==Quest Stages==
{{Online Journal Entries
||{{Online Quest Objective||Use Scamp Gem}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Retrieve Nchylbar's Box}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Retrieve Scroll of the Morning}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Retrieve Star Globe}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Find the Captured Spirit Warden}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Collect Conjuration Box Key}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Close Conjuration Box in South Tower}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Close Conjuration Box in North Tower}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Spirit}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Slay the Daedra}}
{{Online Quest Stages Notes}}