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Lore:O Fruto e a Pedra

1 403 bytes adicionados, 16h31min de 18 de abril de 2014
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{{Book Summary
|sortkey=Fruit and the Stone, The
|description=A tale surrounding the fruit of the Hist
Hunger. Thirst. Water dripping upon saturated moss. A wound on the {{Lore Link|Hist}} tree, oozing {{Lore Link|Hist Sap|sap}} like slow tears. Golden light, piercing the darkness like an arrow. Lightning. Sparks.

{{Lore Link|Betzi}} blinked several times, considering the visions. Why did the Hist show her the same thing? She wondered if her meditations were any use. She touched the fruit, nudging aside the woven twigs forming its nest.

They called it fruit, as it came from the Hist, but none ate this hardened lump. This fruit was exceptionally rare, and yet, the Hist wanted her to bring it to {{Lore Link|Hissmir}}. To use it, somehow.

"Why are you so important?" Betzi asked, turning the dark brown orb in her fingers. She rubbed it softly, marveling at its smoothness. Like scales, but without edges. Like an egg, like glass, like ...

"A {{Lore Link|Zaht}} stone?" Connections jumbled together in her mind's eye, then spooled into the correct order. Unprepared for the onslaught, Betzi cried aloud.

The others glanced at Betzi in irritation, their meditations interrupted by her outburst. And then understanding rippled through them as well. Betzi held the {{Lore Link|Hist Amber|Hist amber}} aloft and marveled at the simplicity.

Zaht stones would protect Hissmir. But how?
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