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Lore:O Manifesto do Abra Caminho

594 bytes adicionados, 02h48min de 4 de março de 2014
new ESO book
<noinclude>{{Book Summary
|sortkey=Manifesto of Make Way, The
|description=A call for Redguards to expunge weakness from their hearts

In order to survive and thrive, we must foment a perpetual vortex of agitation!

A final and irrevocable statement of our will!

Only this will bring the correction of the true ways of our {{Lore Link|Yokuda}}n heritage: a redress of the weakness which has pervasively trickled into our hearts!

It is the right of those who suffer from weakness to refuse allegiance to it and to those who bring it forth!

Make way! Make way! Make way!
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