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'''Drugs''' are addictive, illicit, and often illegal substances with hallucinogenic or mood-altering affects which are ingested for recreational or ritualistic purposes. Many different drugs exist in ''The Elder Scrolls'', and abusing them is generally disapproved of, with some exceptions.

Many of these drugs are just variants of {{Lore Link|moon sugar}}, such as {{Lore Link|skooma}} and the rarer potion known as Balmora Blue.{{ref|name=Skyrim|Events of [[Skyrim:Skyrim|Skyrim]]}} Other notable drugs are {{Lore Link|greenmote}} and {{Lore Link|felldew}}. Of course, Tamriel is also filled with many popular {{Lore Link|Alcoholic Beverages|alcoholic beverages}}, such as Jagga, fermented pig's milk which is popular in {{Lore Link|Valenwood}}.{{ref|name=ADIF|{{Cite book|A Dance in Fire}}}} Various alchemical ingredients could be construed to have drug-like effects, but most are covered separately in the [[Lore:Alchemy|Alchemy section]].

Moon sugar and skooma can be found throughout {{Lore Link|Tamriel}} due to widespread smuggling out of {{Lore Link|Elsweyr}}. Moon sugar has been commonly ingested in Elsweyr since before written history.{{ref|name=PGE3E|{{Cite book|PGE|1|The Elsweyr Confederacy}}}} In the {{Lore Link|Third Era}}, rumors surfaced of gangs smuggling powerful drugs out of {{Lore Link|Black Marsh}}.{{ref|name=PGE3A|{{Cite book|PGE|3|Argonia}}}} They could be referring to {{Lore Link|Hist Sap|Hist sap}}, a powerful drug, although it's known that entire Hist trees have been smuggled out of Black Marsh.{{ref|name=Oblivion|Events of [[Oblivion:Oblivion|Oblivion]]}} {{Lore Link|Sleeping Tree Sap}} also produces hallucinogenic effects.{{ref|name=Skyrim}} There are mentions of drug use in {{Lore Link|Cyrodiil}} legends dating back to before the {{Lore Link|Alessian Slave Rebellion}}. Apparently, slaves in the realm of the Fire King {{Lore Link|Hadhuul}} were forced to consume "drugs drawn from the admixture of daedrons into living hosts".{{ref|name=TA|{{Cite book|The Adabal-a}}}}

'''Daril''', literally meaning "seeing everything in ecstasy" in {{Lore Link|Jel}}, is an illegal {{Lore Link|Argonian}} drug.{{ref|name=TIC|[[Books:The Infernal City|The Infernal City]] — ''Greg Keyes''}} It cannot be safely taken by non-Argonians.{{ref|name=ESO|Events of [[Online:Online|ESO]]}}



==Hist Sap==
{{Lore:Hist Sap}}

==Moon Sugar==
{{Lore:Moon Sugar}}


==Sleeping Tree Sap==
{{Lore:Sleeping Tree Sap}}

==See Also==
* For related info, see the article for [[Skyrim:Drugged|Skyrim's Drugged effect]].
