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Lore:Lago Hairan

1 222 bytes adicionados, 23h16min de 19 de janeiro de 2014
simply vicec is much, much more common, rather than Vivec City
<noinclude>{{Lore Places Trail|Hairan}}{{cleanup-lpp}}
{{Lore Place Summary
|region=Ascadian Isles
|type=Body of Water
|name=Lake Hairan
|imgdesc=Lake Hairan, from the west
|appears=[[Morrowind:Lake Hairan|Morrowind]]
</noinclude>[[Lore:Lake Hairan|Lake Hairan]] was once a small lake just north of the city of [[Lore:Vivec (city)|Vivec]], between that city and {{Lore Link|Pelagiad}}, in the heart of the {{Lore Link|Ascadian Isles}}. It was surrounded by farms and rich plantations under {{Lore Link|House Hlaalu}} control. At its northeastern end, the lake narrowed into a river channel that connected it to {{Lore Link|Lake Masobi}}. To the south, the lake merged with the vast lagoon encompassing Vivec.{{ref|name=Morrowind|Events of [[Morrowind:Morrowind|Morrowind]]}} It's unclear whether any semblance of the lake survived the cataclysms of the {{Lore Link|Red Year}} in {{Year|4E 5}}.{{ref|name=TIC|{{Cite book|The Infernal City}}}}{{ref|name=TRY|{{Cite book|The Red Year}}}}<noinclude>
==See Also==
* For game-specific information, see the [[Morrowind:Lake Hairan|Morrowind article]].
