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Lore:Epígrafe encontrada em uma lâmina Argoniana

500 bytes adicionados, 17h29min de 24 de junho de 2014
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{{Book Summary
|description=A tribute to Sithis
|source=*[[Lore:Elder Scrolls Online - Interactive Map of Tamriel|ESO Interactive Map of Tamriel]]
<div class="esomaptext" style="width:500px;">
[[File:ON-concept-Argonian daggers.png|right|250px]]
:Hail to {{Lore Link|Sithis}}, blood's drop on blade's edge.

:Before you, nothing. Behind you, the {{Lore Link|Void}}.

:Catalyst, agitator, many-fanged maw.

:Whisper your need to {{Lore Link|Shadowscales|the Scales}}.
<hr class="clearboth"/>
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