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Lore:Guerras Tiber

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<noinclude>{{Featured article}}{{Lore History Trail}} [[Category:Lore-Wars]]
[[File:LO-person-Tiber Septim.png|thumb|right|Engraving of Tiber Septim from a [[Lore:Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition|propaganda pamphlet]] during his conquests]]
:''Tiber Septim brought peace to Tamriel in 2E 896, by conquering all of the known world. Thus began the Third Era.'' — One of the [[Skyrim:Loading Screens|loading screens]] in [[Skyrim:Skyrim|Skyrim]]
</noinclude>The '''Tiber Wars''' were a series of conflicts spanning through the second half of the last century of the [[Lore:Second Era|Second Era]], started by the [[Lore:Colovia|Colovian]] warlord [[Lore:Cuhlecain|Cuhlecain]] and continued by his general [[Lore:Tiber Septim|Tiber Septim]]. The results of the wars were manifold, most important of them being the end of the [[Lore:Interregnum|Interregnum]] with the founding of the [[Lore:Third Empire|Third Empire]] with Septim as its first Emperor, the proclamation of the [[Lore:Third Era|Third Era]], and the unification of [[Lore:Tamriel|Tamriel]] for the first and only time in its history.
[[File:MW-banner-Imperial.png|thumb|right|Banner of the Third Empire]]
===Human Kingdoms===
:''The coastlands of Tamriel, to the northwest of our [[Lore:Elsweyr|desert homeland]]. Mighty Tiber Septim bids fair to become Clan-Mother to them all.'' — [[Redguard:J'ffer|J'ffer]] in [[Redguard:Redguard|TESA: Redguard]]
The Tiber Wars started when Cuhlecain, the King of [[Lore:Falkreath|Falkreath]], supported by {{Lore Link|Chevalier Renald}}—a member of a [[Lore:Blades|knightly order]] descended from [[Lore:Dragonguard|Reman's bodyguards]]—decided to wage war to unify the [[Lore:Colovian Estates|Colovian Estates]].{{ref|name=Reman|{{Cite book|Remanada}}}} To secure his northern borders in his future bid for conquest, Cuhlecain allied himself with [[Lore:Skyrim|Skyrim]] against the forces of the [[Lore:Western Reach|Western Reach]]. Leading his forces was a young [[Lore:Nord|Nordic]] general called Hjalti Early-Beard, later on named [[Lore:Talos|Talos]].{{ref|name=TAH}}

After the [[#Battle of Old Hroldan|successful pacification]] of {{Lore Link|Old Hroldan}}, Nord and [[Lore:Breton|Breton]] nobles, rightfully fearing the ambitious Colovian king and his undefeatable general, formed an alliance and invaded northern [[Lore:Cyrodiil|Cyrodiil]]. The [[#Sack of Sancre Tor|resounding victory]] at [[Lore:Sancre Tor|Sancre Tor]] was the turning point of the conflict, as the Nordic generals, suspicious of their Breton allies, flocked to join Talos' armies.{{ref|name=BoST}} This trend of recruitment would continue for the next ten years in Skyrim, especially among young men.{{ref|name=PGE1-S|{{Cite book|PGE|1|Skyrim}}}}

Finally able to turn his attention to internal affairs, Cuhlecain unified the Colovian Estates in under a year. Not much more passed before the rest of Cyrodiil shared a similar fate, with the [[Lore:Imperial City|Imperial City]] itself [[#Taking of the Imperial City|being captured]] in {{Year|2E 854}}. Just as he was preparing to crown himself Emperor of All Cyrodiil, Cuhlecain was assassinated, circumstances of which are subject to much controversy. In his stead, general Talos was crowned by the Imperial Battlemage [[Lore:Zurin Arctus|Zurin Arctus]] as Tiber Septim, founding the [[Lore:Septim Dynasty|Septim Dynasty]]. Over the next ten years he waged war with most of the neighboring nations, to claim them for his [[Lore:Third Empire|new Empire]], but never again doing it personally, preferring to work on administration of the newly conquered territories.{{ref|name=TAH}} The jarls of Skyrim and the petty kings of [[Lore:High Rock|High Rock]] were the first to fall.
[[File:RG-misc-Forebear Truce.jpg|thumb|right|Tiber Septim and Amiel Richton receiving the Forebear delegation]]
:''As the Empire of Tiber Septim sweeps through the kingdoms of Tamriel in a glorious bid for conquest, Septim is opposed on all sides, but never more fiercely than by Hammerfell the ancestral home of the Redguards.'' — Intro of [[Redguard:Redguard|TESA: Redguard]]
The best understood episode of the Tiber Wars was the conquest of the [[Lore:Redguard|Redguard]] kingdom of [[Lore:Hammerfell|Hammerfell]]. Despite observing the might of the quickly expanding Empire, the already aged and ill High King of Hammerfell [[Lore:Thassad II|Thassad II]] resisted all forms of Imperial invasion.{{ref|name=Redguard}} It was only after his death in {{Year|2E 862}}{{ref|name=PGE1-H}} that Hammerfell began to weaken, but not from an external invasion, but rather from an internal revolution—a civil war between the two most prominent factions: the rebellious [[Lore:Forebears|Forebears]] and the loyalist [[Lore:Crowns|Crowns]] supporting Thassad's heir [[Lore:A'tor|A'Tor]]. After initial defeats, the Forebears signed a [[#Forebear Truce|pact]] with the Emperor, granting him minor territory concessions in exchange for helping them in the civil war. The already weakened Crowns still provided heavy resistance to invading Imperial forces, until at last they were cornered at [[Lore:Stros M'Kai|Stros M'Kai]] in {{Year|2E 864}}. The [[#Battle of Stros M'Kai|Battle of Stros M'Kai]] was won thanks to the shrewd tactics of Admiral Richton and the aid of Septim's vassal dragon Nafaalilargus. The Empire swiftly took control over all of Hammerfell, imposing several Provisional Governors to rule its parts. After three months of brutal occupation, both Redguard factions revolted one after another against their new Imperial masters, forcing Tiber Septim to sign a more favorable treaty with both of them.{{ref|name=Redguard}}
===Aldmeri Realms===
[[File:MW-concept-AnumidumBW.jpg|thumb|right|Designs of Numidium, weapon that ended the Wars]]
:''The Mantella was infused with the life force of Tiber Septim's Imperial Battlemage, and with it, Septim crushed all who stood in his way.'' — A [[Daggerfall:Mantella_Revealed#Letters you may receive|letter]] received by the [[Lore:Hero|Hero of Daggerfall]]
After the pacification of Hammerfell following the [[#First Treaty of Stros M'Kai|First Treaty of Stros M'Kai]], Tiber Septim found himself left with opponents that were far stronger and more unified than the petty human statelets. It was said that he considered whether further expansion was even an option, seeking peace with the royal court of [[Lore:Alinor (city)|Alinor]].{{ref|name=TAH}}{{ref|name=TEPIC|{{Cite book|The Eastern Provinces}}}} Nevertheless, military expeditions and skirmishes in both [[Lore:Elsweyr|Elsweyr]] and [[Lore:Black Marsh|Black Marsh]] were recorded circa 2E 861{{ref|name=Attrebus}} and with the [[Lore:Aldmeri Dominion|Aldmeri Dominion]] even earlier.{{ref|name=Attrebus}}{{ref|name=PGE1-AD|{{Cite book|PGE|1|Aldmeri Dominion}}}}

By the time a viable invasion of [[Lore:Morrowind|Morrowind]] was put into motion (sometime after {{Year|2E 882}}{{ref|name=DUP|{{Cite book|Dagoth Ur's Plans}}}}), the Betmeri territories were already conquered. Black Marsh, however, was never successfully invaded,{{ref|name=ASHoM|{{Cite book|A Short History of Morrowind}}}} with its strategically unimportant inner swamps carefully avoided by Septim's troops.{{ref|name=PGE3-A|{{Cite book|PGE|3|Argonia}}}} Even though his generals feared the [[Lore:Dunmer|Dunmer]] as dreadful and fanatic foes, Septim realized Morrowind's weakness in the in-fightings of its most prominent factions—the [[Lore:Great Houses|Great Houses]]. Despite expecting a more prolonged conflict, Septim was offered peace by the Dunmer after only a few brief skirmishes.{{ref|name=BoQB}}{{ref|name=OM|{{Cite book|On Morrowind}}}} One of the terms was rumored to have been allowing Septim to use [[Lore:Numidium|Numidium]] to crush the forces of the Aldmeri Dominion,{{ref|name=OM}} whose navy was regarded to be superior to the Imperial Navy.{{ref|name=PGE3-S|{{Cite book|PGE|3|Summerset Isle}}}} Without the [[Lore:Heart of Lorkhan|Heart of Lorkhan]], Tiber was forced to find another source for the Numidium, which he found in the [[Lore:Mantella|Mantella]],{{ref|name=TAH}} around which many historical controversies have arisen. After the brief conquest of [[Lore:Summerset Isle|Summerset Isle]],{{ref|name=PGE3-S}} the official integration of Morrowind as an Imperial province{{ref|name=ASHoM}} and the destruction of Numidium at the hands of [[Lore:Underking|a rotting undead wizard]],{{ref|name=TAH}} the whole of Tamriel was finally united, putting an end to the Tiber Wars, which had raged unabated for 44 years.

==Major Events==
===Major Battles===
*'''{{LE|Battle of Old Hroldan}}''', {{Year|2E 852}}. [[Lore:Cuhlecain|Cuhlecain]]'s general [[Lore:Tiber Septim|Hjalti Early-Beard]] successfully led his king's [[Lore:Colovia|Colovian]] troops and [[Lore:Nord|their allies]]' berserkers into breaking the {{Lore Link|Reachmen}} lines, forcing them to fortify themselves at {{Lore Link|Old Hroldan}}. The next day Hjalti approached the gates of the besieged city, protected by the winds created by a storm following his trail. Reports say that the ancient Nord art of [[Lore:Thu'um|thu'um]] was used to shout down the walls of Old Hroldan, after which Hjalti's army took the city with relative ease by force. As a result, he was nicknamed Talos, meaning Stormcrown, by his Nordic troops.{{ref|name=TAH|{{Cite book|The Arcturian Heresy}}}}
*'''{{LE|Sack of Sancre Tor}}''', 2E 852. While his army was distracting the majority of the defenders, Talos made his way inside the fortress of [[Lore:Sancre Tor|Sancre Tor]], capturing the Nord and Breton leaders and making them order their troops to surrender.{{ref|name=BoST|{{Cite book|Battle of Sancre Tor}}}} Sancre Tor was abandoned and Talos recovered the [[Lore:Amulet of Kings|Amulet of Kings]].{{ref|name=TLST|{{Cite book|The Legendary Sancre Tor}}}}
*'''{{LE|Battle of Five Bridges}}'''. After the initial success of his foes, Tiber Septim commanded his reserves to victory, attacking only after his foes were completely victorious, as advised by his Battlemage Zurin Arctus. Having been lulled into a false sense of security by their victory, Tiber took the enemy army by surprise, routing an army twice the size of his own.{{ref|name=TAoWM|{{Cite book|The Art of War Magic}}}}
*'''{{LE|Taking of the Imperial City}}''', {{Year|2E 854}}. After a siege of [[Lore:Imperial City|the capital]], the battlemages of the [[Lore:Heartlands|Eastern Heartlands]] surrendered before Cuhlecain's armies. Before he could crown himself Emperor, he was assassinated, and Talos was crowned in his stead as Tiber Septim.{{ref|name=TAH}}
*'''{{LE|Moth Rebellion}}''', {{Year|2E 857}}.{{intnote|Moth|[nb 1]}}An uprising in the Imperial City. The Third Legion, mostly made out of newly-recruited Colovian peasant boys, was sent from nearby [[Lore:Anvil|Anvil]] to quell it. There the Legion earned its sobriquet "The Faithful" while besieged in the Hesod Barracks by the [[Lore:Cult of the Ancestor Moth|Cultists]]. After the rebellion ended, Tiber Septim triumphantly reentered the capital.{{ref|name=Attrebus|[[Redguard:Attrebus|Attrebus]]' [http://web.archive.org/web/20040705033821/http://redguard.bethsoft.com/characters/attrebus.html biography] on Redguard's old site}}
*'''{{LE|Battle of the Bjoulsae}}'''. Under the command of [[Lore:Amiel Richton|Amiel Richton]], an Imperial squadron crushed {{Lore Link|Wayrest (kingdom)|Wayrest}}'s naval power in a surprise dawn attack.{{ref|name=Richton|[[Redguard:Admiral Lord Amiel Richton|Richton]]'s [http://web.archive.org/web/20040705202610/http://redguard.bethsoft.com/characters/richton.html biography] on Redguard's old site}}
*'''{{LE|Sack of Senchal}}'''. After the besieged [[Lore:Khajiit|Khajiiti]] refused to surrender, General Pottreid ordered the Third Legion to attack the city of [[Lore:Senchal|Senchal]], with free reins. Due to heavy civilian casualties, including children, the battle was omitted from officially-sanctioned Imperial history.{{ref|name=Attrebus}}
*'''{{LE|Battle of Black Rocks}}''', {{Year|2E 863}}.{{intnote|Blackrocks|[nb 2]}} The forces of the [[Lore:Aldmeri Dominion|Aldmeri Dominion]] caught the Third Legion by surprise and almost completely destroyed it. The remnants of it made the core of the newly created Ruby Legion stationed in [[Lore:Nibenay Valley|Nibenay Valley]].{{ref|name=Attrebus}}
*'''{{LE|Battle of Stros M'Kai}}''', {{Year|2E 864}}. Also known as [[Lore:Battle of Hunding Bay|Battle of Hunding Bay]] by Imperials.{{ref|name=PGE1-Pro|{{Cite book|PGE|1|Prologue}}}} [[File:Lore-Redguard History.gif|thumb|300px|right|Battle of Stros M'Kai, the penultimate battle of the Crowns]] Fleeing from the capital of [[Lore:Sentinel|Sentinel]], Prince [[Lore:A'tor|A'tor]] rallied the remaining [[Lore:Redguard|Redguard]] [[Lore:Crowns|Crowns]] for one final battle. The navies of both sides clashed near the isle of [[Lore:Stros M'Kai|Stros M'Kai]] in the {{Lore Link|Hunding Bay}}. Leading the Imperial New West Navy was Lord Admiral Amiel Richton, who brought in a dragon called [[Lore:Nafaalilargus|Nafaalilargus]]. The turning point of the battle was Prince A'tor's death by a poisonous arrow from Dram, a Dunmer assassin. Arch-mage Voa tried to save the prince, but due to the strength of the poison he was forced to place his soul in a soul gem and to put his body in a magically induced stasis before being burned by the dragon. After their defeat, the remaining Crowns fled to Stros M'Kai, most of them to the Old Quarter of the city, which was promptly burned to the ground by the dragon, killing them all as a result. Some of the survivors took refuge at the local temple of [[Lore:Arkay|Arkay]]. The priests there gave them asylum, hiding the body of prince A'tor in the temple and healing the wounded, only to be forced to surrender the latter to the Imperials. The result of the battle was that the Redguard forces, aside from the Crown-allegiant [[Lore:Restless League|Restless League]], were either completely annihilated or subdued.{{ref|name=Redguard|Events of [[Redguard:Redguard|TESA: Redguard]].}} Following the crowning achievements of his career, Richton was made the Provisional Governor of Stros M'Kai, reigning over the city with terror for the next three months.{{ref|name=Redguard}}{{ref|name=Richton}}
*'''{{LE|Stros M'Kai Uprising}}''',{{ref|name=WitW|[[General:Elderscrolls.com_Archive/Codex#Redguard|WAR IN THE WEST]] — Jalba}} 2E 864. Led by siblings Cyrus and Iszara, the Restless League came out of hiding and stormed the Palace, with Cyrus himself cornering the Provisional Governor Amiel Richton and the Imperial Emissary Dram aboard a [[Lore:Dwemer|Dwemeri]] dirigible. Cyrus' sword, enchanted with the soul of Prince A'tor, then killed them both.{{ref|name=Redguard}} This act was allegedly the third incarnation of [[Lore:HoonDing|HoonDing]].{{ref|name=VoFitE|{{Cite book|Varieties of Faith...}}}}
*'''{{LE|Rebellion of Sentinel}}''', 2E 864. After hearing of the Crown rebellion in Stros M'Kai, Baron Volag, leader of the [[Lore:Forebears|Forebears]], came out of hiding and retook Sentinel{{ref|name=Redguard}} from the Provisional Governor [[Lore:Senecus Goddkey|Senecus Goddkey]].{{ref|name=PGE1-H|{{Cite book|PGE|1|Hammerfell}}}} As a result of these two rebellions, the [[#First Treaty of Stros M'Kai|First Treaty of Stros M'Kai]] was signed.{{ref|name=Redguard}}
*'''{{LE|Sack of Mournhold}}'''. One of the several battles that occurred after Septim's legions invaded [[Lore:Morrowind|Morrowind]] and before the [[#Armistice|Armistice]] was signed. The city was razed and the royal family of [[Lore:Mournhold|Mournhold]] was wiped out, except for the five-year-old heiress [[Lore:Barenziah|Barenziah]].{{ref|name=BoQB|{{Cite book|Biography of Queen Barenziah}}}}{{ref|name=TRB|{{Cite book|The Real Barenziah}}}}{{intnote|Barenziah|[nb 3]}}
*'''{{LE|Surrender of Alinor}}''', {{Year|2E 896}}.{{ref|name=BHotE1|{{Cite book|Brief History of the Empire v 1}}}} Given to the Empire as a part of the terms of the Armistice by the [[Lore:Tribunal|Tribunal]], Numidium besieged the [[Lore:Alinor (city)|capital]] of [[Lore:Summerset Isles|Summerset Isles]], its fall happening within an hour.{{ref|group=oog|[http://www.imperial-library.info/content/forum-archives-michael-kirkbride Numidium's siege of Alinor] — ''Michael Kirkbride''}} Alinor's fall marked the end of the Tiber Wars, finally unifying [[Lore:Tamriel|Tamriel]], in turn leading to the proclamation of the [[Lore:Third Era|Third Era]].{{ref|group=oog|[http://www.imperial-library.info/content/many-headed-talos From The Many-Headed Talos] — ''Michael Kirkbride''}}{{ref|name=BHotE1}}

===Peace Treaties===
*'''{{LE|Forebear Truce}}'''. After the Crown forces regrouped at Stros M'Kai and even got close to retaking the capital of [[Lore:Sentinel|Sentinel]], the Forebears, desperate at the prospect of losing the civil war, asked Tiber Septim for aid. The Empire was to lend its armies to the Forebear cause in return for a swath of holding titles along the southeast border of Hammerfell. After the Crowns were crushed and the Forebear leader [[Lore:Volag|Baron Volag]] went into hiding not a day later, rumored to be dead, the treaty was revised, and Imperial garrisons were stationed across Hammerfell ''"until such a time as the native rulership can see fit to reinstate itself safely on its rightful throne."''{{ref|name=Redguard}}
*'''{{LE|First Treaty of Stros M'Kai}}''', {{Year|2E 864}}. Following the [[#Stros M'Kai Uprising|double]] [[#Rebellion of Sentinel|rebellion]] of both most prominent Redguard factions, the Empire was forced to draw a treaty with the rebels, finally legitimizing their rule. It was signed by Tiber Septim, [[Lore:Iszara|Iszara]], and Baron Volag, representing the Empire, the [[Lore:Crowns|Crowns]] and the {{Lore Link|Forebears}}, respectively.{{ref|name=Redguard}} While Hammerfell's status as a province remained, a remark from almost two hundred years later stated that the Redguards felt that they ''"are part of the Empire, but not a subject."''{{ref|name=TWQ5|{{Cite book|The Wolf Queen, v5}}}}
*'''{{LE|Armistice}}'''. After the Imperials amassed their forces at Morrowind's western borders and had several skirmishes with Tribunal-led Dunmeri forces, [[Lore:Vivec (god)|Lord Vivec]] himself proclaimed that he would initiate peace talks with Septim's Empire. The terms of the [[Lore:Armistice|Armistice]] were culturally very favorable to Morrowind, such as the freedom of [[Lore:Tribunal Temple|religion]] and perseverance of the ancient Dunmeri right to own and trade slaves. Strategically, the Armistice was very favorable to the Empire, most importantly the access to Morrowind's rich [[Lore:Ebony|ebony]] mines and to the [[Lore:Dwemer|Dwemeri]] Brass God [[Lore:Numidium|Numidium]].{{ref|name=BoQB}}<noinclude>

==List of Septim's Subordinates==
[[File:Lore-people-Titus Alorius.jpg|thumb|right|Titus Alorius, wearing the uniform of a high-ranking Imperial officer of the Tiber Wars period]]
This is a short list of the most notable officers and associates of Tiber Septim involved in the Tiber Wars:
*'''Imperial Battlemage [[Lore:Zurin Arctus|Zurin Arctus]]''' — Septim's closest subordinate, responsible for the excavation of the Numidium and its empowerment via the Mantella. Died just prior to the invasion of Summerset Isles, either betrayed by Septim or assisting him in subduing the [[Lore:Underking|Underking]].{{ref|name=TAH}}
*'''Lord Admiral [[Lore:Amiel Richton|Amiel Richton]]''' — A naval officer who started his service as a captain under Cuhlecain. Rose in rank rather quickly during the Tiber Wars. He commanded the Imperial New West Navy against Hammerfell, dealing a crushing blow in the [[#Battle of Stros M'Kai|Battle of the Hunding Bay]]. Appointed Provisional Governor of Stros M'Kai and killed three months later in [[#Stros M'Kai Uprising|an insurrection]].{{ref|name=Redguard}}
*'''General [[Lore:Symmachus|Symmachus]]''' — A high-ranking non-Imperial officer, involved in the invasion of Morrowind, from [[Lore:Dunmer|where he hailed]]. Received the rank of a general after the [[#Sack of Mournhold|Sack of Mournhold]], having a personal grudge against the ruling family of [[Lore:Mournhold|the city]]. Lived to see the end of the Tiber Wars, becoming the Prime Minister of Morrowind and later on king consort to Barenziah.{{ref|name=BoQB}}{{ref|name=TRB|{{Cite book|The Real Barenziah}}}}
*'''General Pottreid''' — Commander of the Third Legion. According to an account of one of his legionnaires, he, along with his legion, was deployed all over Tamriel. It is uncertain if he shared the fate of the Third Legion at the [[#Battle of Black Rocks|Battle of Black Rocks]].{{ref|name=Attrebus}}
*'''Admiral Vasi Hadrach''' — Known only as Richton's predecessor. Murdered in a brothel in [[Lore:Daggerfall|Daggerfall]] by rebel Reachmen.{{ref|name=Richton}}
*'''Provisional Governor [[Lore:Senecus Goddkey|Senecus Goddkey]]''' — Appointed the Provisional Governor of [[Lore:Sentinel|Sentinel]] after Baron Volag went into hiding, who cast him out of Sentinel a couple of months later in [[#Rebellion of Sentinel|a planned insurrection]].{{ref|name=PGE1-H}}
*'''Provisional Governor [[Lore:Titus Alorius|Titus Alorius]]''' — Appointed the Provisional Governor of the [[Lore:Western Reach|Western Reach]], a region that had always had poor relations with the Empire.{{ref|name=PGE1-HR|{{Cite book|PGE|1|High Rock}}}}
*'''Commander Beatia of Ylliolos''' — Officer in charge of a legion stationed in Porhnak. Known for her tactical brilliance with which she survived an ambush by the Nords in {{Year|2E 855}}.{{ref|name=IaC|{{Cite book|Ice and Chitin}}}}
*'''[[Lore:Nafaalilargus|Nafaalilargus]]''' — Tiber Septim's "proud soldier" and "loyal vassal", actually a well-paid mercenary. Being a [[Lore:Dragon|red dragon]], he was a living symbol of the rapidly expanding Empire.{{ref|name=Redguard}}
*'''Count Sven Advensen''' — Known only as a retired Nord officer. Lived to see the end of the Tiber Wars and was given the county of {{Lore Link|Blackmoor}} to rule as a reward for his loyalty.{{ref|name=BoQB}}
*'''Imperial Emissary Dram''' — A former assassin of the [[Lore:Morag Tong|Morag Tong]], served as Tiber Septim's personal emissary. Heavily involved in the campaigns in Hammerfell, where he was killed in [[#Stros M'Kai Uprising|an insurrection]].{{ref|name=Redguard}}
*'''Chevalier Renald''' — A member of a knightly order that were predecessors of the [[Lore:Blades|Blades]]. Supported Cuhlecain to get to Septim, then Hjalti Early-Beard, believing him to be the foretold Dragonborn.{{ref|name=Reman}}

*{{LNote|Moth|^|Attrebus' biography mentions he was born in 2E 841 and joined the Imperial Legion sixteen years later. Since the legion he enlisted to was immediately posted to the capital to help put down the Moth Rebellion, the Rebellion's year can be deduced.}}
*{{LNote|Blackrocks|^|Attrebus' biography mentions that he was on garrison duty for a year, between his legion's defeat at Black Rocks and his posting to Stros M'Kai. Since the Imperials occupied Stros M'Kai in 2E 864, the Battle's year can be deduced.}}
*{{LNote|Barenziah|^|While the sack of Mournhold definitely took place during the Tiber Wars, there are discrepancies as to its exact date. Biography of Barenziah states that Barenziah was five when the sack occurred, but as she is thought to have been born in 2E 893 and the Third Era was declared in 2E 896, the sack couldn't have occurred then unless Barenziah's birth year is in error.}}

==See Also==
*[http://www.imperial-library.info/content/rise-tiber-septim Rise of Tiber Septim] — An article over at the Imperial Library containing an overview of the Tiber Wars
*[[Lore:Tiber Septim|Tiber Septim]] — A lore article about the conqueror of Tamriel
*[[Lore:Third Empire|Third Empire]] — A lore article about the history of Septim's legacy
*[[Lore:Imperial Legion|Imperial Legion]] — A lore article about the men and women behind Septim's undertaking
*{{Book Link|The Arcturian Heresy}}
*{{Book Link|Battle of Sancre Tor}}
*{{Book Link|Ice and Chitin}}
*{{Book Link|On Morrowind}}


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