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Skyrim:A Children's Anuad

705 bytes adicionados, 04h26min de 28 de setembro de 2015
{{Book Summary
|sortkey=Children's Anuad
|loc=* [[Skyrim:Fellglow Keep|Fellglow Keep]] Dungeons, on top of a bookcase in the room passed the holding cells
*[[sr:Fort Amol|Fort Amol Prison]] on the bookselves to the left of the entrance
*[[Skyrim:High Hrothgar|High Hrothgar]], in the living area.
*[[Skyrim:The Ratway Warrens|Ratway Warrens]], under Esbern's bed
*[[Skyrim:Bards College|Bard's College]]
|lorename=The Annotated Anuad
|title=A Children's Anuad:
The Anuad Paraphrased
|description=Early religious book providing a simplified version of The Anuad creation myth from the Mythic Era
|type=List 2
{{Lore:The Annotated Anuad}}