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Skyrim:Greenspring Hollow

2 987 bytes adicionados, 15h01min de 9 de novembro de 2014
{{Place Summary
|imgdesc=Greenspring Hollow
|region=Whiterun Hold
|location=West-southwest of [[Skyrim:Dustman's Cairn|Dustman's Cairn]]<br> Northeast of [[Skyrim:Swindler's Den|Swindler's Den]]
|description=A shallow cave under a rock overhang located west-southwest of [[Skyrim:Dustman's Cairn|Dustman's Cairn]].
|level=Min: 2
|addbelow=It is the den for a vicious leveled [[Skyrim:Animals|animal]], often a sabre cat even at low levels.
}} [[Category:Skyrim-Places-Animal Dens]]

== Related Quests ==
*{{Quest Link|Animal Extermination (B)}}
*{{Quest Link|Shalidor's Insights}}

== Walkthrough ==
=== {{LE|Greenspring Hollow}} ===
As you approach the outcropping, a single predator will likely attack you. Once it is dealt with, you can safely check out the creature's den. From the look of things, a foolish [[Skyrim:Hunter|hunter]] decided to camp here and paid with his life. His body can be found in the middle of the blood-splattered ground, next to a fallen cooking spit. Some skeletal remains, which can be looted, can be found further back next to two unusable bed rolls.

The hunter's lean-to has a total of ten [[Skyrim:Animal Hides#Unprocessed|pelts]] of various animals. There is an [[Skyrim:Apothecary's Satchel|apothecary's satchel]], a small [[Skyrim:Coin Purse|coin purse]] and a [[Skyrim:Bear Trap|bear trap]] near the lean-to. A novice locked [[Skyrim:Chest|chest]] lies at the back of the outcrop. A copy of the book ''[[Skyrim:Argonian Account, Book 2|Argonian Account, Book 2]]'' rests on a boulder beside the chest, with a random [[Skyrim:Bow|bow]] next to it.

On the left side of the outcropping is a [[Skyrim:Tanning|tanning rack]]. A [[Skyrim:Leg of Goat|leg of goat]], a piece of [[Skyrim:Horse Meat|horse meat]], and some [[Skyrim:Venison|venison]] can be found hanging from the ceiling on a rope. Several fungi growths can be found around the camp, namely two clusters of [[Skyrim:Fly Amanita|fly amanita]], a [[Skyrim:Namira's Rot|Namira's rot]], and an [[Skyrim:Imp Stool|imp stool]] fungi.

Follow the nearby stream to locate a [[Skyrim:Nirnroot|nirnroot]] and a [[Skyrim:Gold Ore Vein|gold ore vein]] at the lake's shore. You may encounter a few more predators in the area as well.

== Notes ==
* Only the containers respawn; the novice locked chest, the skeletal remains and apothecary's satchel. All other items are only there the first time and that includes the body of the hunter. So any radiant quest that requires recovering an item can be completed here after it has been cleared.

== Bugs ==
{{Bug|The animal does not respawn, which makes it impossible to complete [[Skyrim:Animal_Extermination (B)|Animal Extermination]] if [[Skyrim:Aela|Aela]] asks you to to clear out this location and it has already been cleared previously.|USKP|2.0.0}}
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