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Utilizador:Obliviongate/Roleplaying Ideas

1 099 bytes adicionados, 19h46min de 9 de fevereiro de 2011
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Hello And Welcome to my Roleplaying Ideas ! all kind of endless fun for you in this very page .

== Delivery Guy ==
{{Roleplaying|Delivery Guy|City Worker}}

Clothes:Always wear casual type clothes , not too poor and not too rich.

Time:Choose a day of the week , then duplicate items and put them on the people's door step , always work at morning at about 6:30 or 7:00 when the sun starts to show.

Pay:duplicate or pickpocket your pay ,{duplicate way:Duplicate a casual cost item like a bag of flour and sell them or keep it} .

Fame/infame:Well try not to have alot of fame or infamy , people needs to not know you , your just a delivery guy after all , not the champion of Cyrodiil

== Guard ==
{{Roleplaying|Guard|Count's worker}}

City:choose a city and wear the uniform worn by the guard's of that city

time:choose a hour to hour {Ex:from 6am to 12pm to eat and then continue at 2pm to 7 pm }

House:have a casual looking house you could imagine a warrior living in {Ex:Desk's with note's and black horse corriers news papers with shelfs , with armor and sword's decorating the shelfs