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Utilizador:The Wurm

1 537 bytes adicionados, 10h32min de 15 de julho de 2010
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<div style="margin:0; margin-left:1em; padding:0; width:240px; background-color: transparent; float:right;">
{{User Oblivion}}
{{User XBox}}
{{User Canadian}}
{{Userbox|#f9f9f9|#e8eaf7|[[Special:Random|LOL]]|info=This user is proud to have made this userbox, and feels smart because he can make {{hover|Hooray!|footnotes}}.}}
{{Userbox|#EEEECC|#CCCCFF|This user is AGNOSTIC[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnosticism !]|You heard me}}
{{Userbox|#EECCCF|#EEEEFC|[[File:OBValueIcon small.png]]|info=This user is very rich. Thanks, Dorian.}}

I'm [[User:The Wurm|The Wurm]]<sup>[[User Talk:The Wurm|Talk]]</sup>, as you may have guessed. I just got into Oblivion a couple years ago, and I LOVE IT! Just can't get enough. I am quite varied with my play style, anything from bashing people over the head with a warhammer to conservative slash/block fighting to archery to sneaktheives (I'm going to try to limit my use of theives, cuz I was a cleptomaniac at one point) to Battlemages to Monks to - well, you get the point.

[[Image:Fishystick.jpg|thumb|right|Mr. Wurm wishes he had a stick made out of fishies to give to you. Sadly, he does not.]][[Image:OB-items-Arrows.jpg|thumb|left|Which one looks out of place? The Dwemer one. Why? because its just a really long spork, not an arrow.]][[Image:OB-item-Mithril Armor.jpg|thumb|center|Light Armor is underrated.]]

Triple Click <font color=dark red>Here</font>!
<font color=PapayaWhip>[[User:The Wurm/Sandbox|Good job!]]</font>