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<noinclude>{{Trail|Races}}[[Category:Lore-All Terms]]</noinclude>{{{image|[[File:Lore-race-Dunmer.png|frame|Illustration of a typical Dunmer male.]]}}}
The {{Lore Link|Dunmer}}, also known as '''Dark Elves''', are the ash-skinned, typically red-eyed [[Lore:Mer|elven]] peoples of [[Lore:Morrowind|Morrowind]].{{ref|name=PGE1M|{{Cite book|PGE|1|Morrowind}}}}{{intnote|nb1|[nb 1]}} "Dark" is commonly understood as meaning such characteristics as "dark-skinned", "gloomy", "ill-favored by fate" and so on. The Dunmer and their national identity, however, embrace these various connotations with enthusiasm. In the Empire, "Dark Elf" is the common usage, but among their {{Lore Link|Aldmer}}i brethren they are called "Dunmer".{{ref|name=PGE1M|{{Cite book|PGE|1|Morrowind}}}} Their combination of powerful intellects with strong and agile physiques produce superior warriors and sorcerers.{{ref|name=OM|{{Cite book|On Morrowind}}}} On the battlefield, Dunmer are noted for their skill with a balanced integration of the sword, the bow and destruction magic. Dunmer live two to three times as long as humans; with a 200-year-old Dunmer being old and a 300-year-old Dunmer being very, very old.{{ref|[http://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/2013/05/06/ask-us-anything-variety-pack-4 Ask Us Anything Variety Pack 4]}} In character, they are grim, aloof, and reserved, as well as distrusting and disdainful of other races.{{ref|name=PGE1M}}