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1 330 bytes adicionados, 17h16min de 3 de janeiro de 2012
Updated my page
Hello good people of the Planet Earth! I am a 30 years old male from Vinnytsia, Ukraine. I live a quiet life sitting at my computer writing code (Java, C#, C++, etc.), and occasionally playing <strike>Oblivion</strike> Skyrim of course! As for other computer games, I like playing them too. Particularly, I'm fond of Half-Life 2 (and most of its official modifications and sequels apart from Left 4 Deads). Generally, I tend to work more than play, if there is work to do.

From the time I joined this site, I have been trying to improve its content that was already in place by fixing minor grammar and syntax mistakes, wrong spelling.
If for whatever reason you'd like to contact me, [[Special:Emailuser/George1|you can send me a mail]] (please no sending spam, as I hate it and will simply ignore it).

==Irrelevant Information==
Information in this section is only relevant to me. Please neither edit nor delete it.

===Master Training Quests===
;To Do
:* '''[[Oblivion:Security Training|Security]]'''

:* Heavy Armor
:* Armorer
:* Block
:* Alchemy
:* Speechcraft
:* Blunt
:* Blade
:* Acrobatics
:* Destruction
:* Conjuration
:* Athletics
:* Restoration
:* Marksman
:* Mercantile
:* Sneak
:* Light Armor

;Inaccessible (yet)
:* Hand To Hand (''66'')
:* Mysticism (''47'')
:* Illusion (''33'')
:* Alteration (''27'')