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1 339 bytes adicionados, 09h41min de 10 de maio de 2008
Technically it should be capitalised, since it's part of a proper noun title.
==Requested Characters==
[[User:Twentyfists|Twentyfists]] - '''Galahad''', Male Imperial Legion Scout Commander.

[[User:Somercy|Somercy]] - '''Alegna''', Female Breton Medium.

[[User:Game Lord|Game Lord]] - '''Gann gro-Mulkash''', Male Orc Knight.

[[User:Playjex|Playjex]] - '''Jex''', Male Bosmer Architect.

[[User:Benould|Benould]] - '''Benould the Wise''', Male Breton Conjurer.
[[User:Matthewest|Matthewest]] - '''Seth Arkistor''', Male Dunmer Hunter.

[[User:GuildKnight|GuildKnight]] - '''Rowan''', Female Bosmer Knight.

==Rise And Fall==
This new Fanfiction (completely seperate from The Armour of Contempt/New World Order storyline) will involve several new characters and their attempts to understand and explore the subject of the Dwemer. Flashbacks, strange interviews and terrifying encounters are sure to follow! I will attempt to keep the concepts as historically accurate as possible, although slight deviations will probably be inevitable. The script will be comprised of five parts, each centered around a different character and their experiences:
*Part I: Awakening ('''Jex''')
*Part II: Ghostmaker ('''Gann gro-Mulkash''' • '''Seth Arkistor''')
*Part III: Necropolis ('''Benould the Wise''')
*Part IV: Faith and Duty ('''Galahad''' • '''Rowan''')
*Part V: Traitor General ('''Alegna''')
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