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Black Marsh: Tradução
This article documents the many modes of transportation found around the various regions of Tamriel.
==Black MarshPântano Negro==By far the most interesting means of transportation in the Black Marsh is by De longe o mais interessante meio de transporte no Pântano Negro é "riding the rootsmontando as raízes". There is an underground expressway of sorts formed within the roots of the Há uma via expressa subterrânea de espécies formadas nas raízes das árvores Hist trees, and strange parasitic lifeforms will transport passengers over great distances e estranhas formas de vida parasitas transportam passageiros em grandes distâncias (while slowly digesting themenquanto as digere lentamente, but don't worry mas não se preocupe - that takes monthsleva meses).)<ref>{{Cite book|The_Argonian_AccountA Contagem Argoniana,_Book_3Livro 3}}</ref> Aside from thatDeixando isto de lado, there are caravanshá caravanas, though these tend to be somewhat slowmas estas tendem a ser devagar, já que as the roads in the Black Marsh are typically overgrown, windingestradas de Pântano Negro são sobrecarregadas, and beset with hostile men and beastssinuosas e cheias de bestas e homens hostis.<ref>{{Cite book|The_Argonian_AccountA Contagem Argoniana}}</ref>