Tradução parcial
<noinclude>{{Trail|Races}} [[Category:Lore-All Terms]]
{{about|the racea raça|the nation from which they originatea nação de que originam|Tsaesci (place)}}</noinclude>The Os {{Lore Link|Tsaesci (race)|Tsaesci}}, which means Snake Palaceque significa Palácio Serpente, are a race of vampiric serpents originating from the continent of são uma raça de serpentes vampíricas originárias do continente de {{Lore Link|Akavir}}, east of leste de {{Lore Link|Tamriel}}. The serpentO povo-folk apparently serpente aparentemente "atecomeu" the men that lived on os homens que viviam em Akavir, although this phrase could mean that they assimilated with them as a culturepor mais que tal frase possa se referir à uma assimilação de sua cultura.{{ref|name=MA|{{Cite book|Mysterious Misteriosa Akavir}}}} Their appearance has been described differently on many occasionsSua aparição foi descrita diferentemente em muitas ocasiões, the only consistency being that they are a única consistência neles sendo "tallaltos, beautiful bonitos (if frighteninge assustadores), [ande] covered in golden scalescobertos em escamas douradas." They have been described as having human upper bodies and serpentine lower bodies in some cases and being entirely snake-like in othersEles foram descritos com corpo superior de humano e inferior de serpente em alguns casos, assim como inteiras serpentes em oturos. The Os Tsaesci are known to fight without shields or armorsão conhecidos por lutarem sem armadura ou escudo, using only swords in combatusando apenas espadas em combate.{{ref|name=2920v1|{{Cite book|2920, Morning Star Estrela Matutina (v1)}}}} The nature of the race is a tapestry of historical contradictionsA natureza da raça é uma tapeçaria de contradições históricas, so what little is known about them is uncertainentão o pouco se sabe sobre eles não é apurado. It is impossible to separate fact from possible embellishments by storytellers eager to make the É impossível separar fatos de possíveis ficções de contadores de história ansiosos para deixarem os Tsaesci more monstrousmais monstruosos.{{FMI|dummy=}}<noinclude>
The Tsaesci once invaded Tamriel in {{Year|1E 2703}}, but were driven back by the forces of Emperor [[Lore:Reman|Reman I]]. Surviving Tsaesci in {{Lore Link|Cyrodiil}} served as mercenaries and personal guards of nobles.{{ref|name=PGE1C|{{Cite book|PGE|1|Cyrodiil}}}} They left many influences on the {{Lore Link|Imperial}}s, such as the doctrines of the Legion and its equipment (such as the Dai-katana, {{Lore Link|Blades}} and Dragonscale armor), and a high society that revered all things Akaviri. The Interregnum cemented the significance of the dragon as a symbol of the Empire. Several Tsaesci even served as Potentate, acting in place of the Emperor when the Reman dynasty ended. The first Potentate, [[Lore:Versidue-Shaie|Versidue-Shaie]], ushered the Empire into the [[Lore:Second Era|Second Era]], an era of chaos and upheaval. He, and his heir, ruled Tamriel for four hundred years as [[Lore:Akaviri Potentate|Akaviri Potentates]], until the assassinations that ended their reign in {{Year|2E 430}}.{{ref|name=PGE3C|{{Cite book|PGE|3|Cyrodiil}}}}