[[File:MW-concept-11.jpg|thumb|right|Rascunho de um guarda Indoril.]]
===SocietySociedade===The Os Dunmer have been defined by their environmentsão definidos pelo seu ambiente. A {{Lore Link|Red MountainMontanha Vermelha}} looms as large in their collective thought as it does on the horizoné tão grande no seu pensamento coletivo quanto no horizonte.{{ref|name=PGE3M}} Its ash and Suas cinzas e lava sculpted the attitudes of esculpem as atitudes dos residentes de Vvardenfell residents.{{ref|name=PGE1M}} One does not have to travel far outside of many cities to find a giant Não é preciso viajar muito longe das cidades para encontrar uma {{Lore Link|Foyada}} cutting through the land like gigante cortando a scarterra como uma cicatriz. Native-born Os Dunmer tended to look down on "outlandersnativos tendem a olhar os "estrangeiros” com desdém, which include both other races and incluindo tanto as outras raças quanto os Dunmer born outside of nascidos fora de Morrowind, though the intensity of this ethnocentrism variesembora a intensidade deste etnocentrismo varia.{{ref|name=ASHOM}} For thousands of years under the Durante milhares de anos sob a liderança do Tribunal, a sociedade Dunmer society was structured much like the foi estruturada como a sociedade Chimer society had been: domestic Great Houses governed by Ruling Councils competed against each other for power and territoryGrandes Casas governadas por Conselhos Governantes competindo uns contra os outros por poder e território, while nomadic groups eschewed relative modernity for ancient tribal practicesenquanto grupos nômades evitavam a relativa modernidade em troca das antigas práticas tribais.{{ref|name=PGE3M}}{{ref|name=ASHOM}}{{ref|name=GHOM}} Houses tend to rise and fallAs Casas tendem a subir e cair; many have faded to extinction over the years or sprouted up to challenge othersmuitas deixaram de existir através dos anos ou cresceram para desafiar outras.{{ref|name=PGE1M}}{{ref|name=GHOM}}{{ref|name=TBOMB|{{Cite book|The Battle of A Batalha de Molag Beran}}}} At the close of the Third No final da Terceira Era, the five most important houses were as cinco casas mais importantes eram Hlaalu, Redoran, Telvanni, Dres and e Indoril, though it's not known how well each persevered through the cataclysms following the end of the embora não se saiba o quão bem persistiu cada uma através dos cataclismos que se seguiram após o fim do Tribunal.{{ref|name=PGE3M}}{{ref|name=GHOM}} HistoricallyHistoricamente, a Casa Indoril has been so heavily involved with the Temple itself that it is hard to distinguish the twoera tão fortemente envolvida com o próprio Templo que era difícil distingui-los.{{ref|name=OM}} In the AshlandsNo Grisermo, native tribes ruled without laws or government and lived strictly by codes, ritualsas tribos nativas governavam sem leis ou governo e viviam estritamente por códigos, and ancient traditions usually dictated by a wise woman or seer and implemented by a clan leaderrituais e tradições antigas tipicamente ditadas por uma sábia mulher ou vidente e implementadas por um líder de clãs. They lived in the deserts and plains of the Eles viveram nos desertos e planícies dos {{Lore Link|AshlandsGrisermos}} and e das {{Lore Link|GrazelandsPastagens}}.
The "peaceful" O status quo for “pacífico” dos Dunmer is still quite savageainda é bastante selvagem, even when led by living godsmesmo quando liderados por deuses vivos.{{ref|name=PGE1M}}{{ref|name=PGE3M}} Political machinations are constantMaquinações políticas são constantes.{{ref|name=ASHOM}} Assassinations are commonAssassinatos são comuns; there's even a legally established há inclusive uma [[Lore:Morag Tong|guildguilda]] providing serviceslegalizada para prover tais serviços.{{ref|name=PGE1M}}{{ref|name=OM}} A huge amount of black market activity thrives along Uma incrível quantidade de atividades no mercado negro por toda a extensa costa de Morrowind's extensive coastlines. {{Lore Link|Dissident PriestsSacerdotes Dissidentes|DissidentsDissidentes}} to the Temple and other subversives over the years have been hunted and persecutedao Templo e outros subversivos, durante os anos foram perseguidos e executados.{{ref|name=THOT|{{Cite book|The House of TroublesA Casa dos Problemas}}}}{{ref|name=POT|{{Cite book|Progress of TruthProgresso da Verdade}}}} Slavery used to be commonplaceEscravidão costuma ser comum.{{ref|name=PGE1M}} Mostly [[Lore:Khajiit|Khajiit]] or Argonian slaves were traffickedou {{Lore|Argoniano}}s comumente serviam como escravos e eram traficados, although many men and mer were also enslavedapesar de muitos humanos e elfos também terem sido escravizados.{{ref|name=PGE1M}} Goblins were also seen as a significant slave "resource"eram frequentemente vistos como um “recurso” escravo.{{ref|name=ONAldryn|Diálogo de [[Online:Aldryn Dres#Dialogue|Aldryn Dres]]' dialogue in em [[Online:Online|ESO]]}} The Third Empire of O Terceiro Império de Tiber Septim had banned slaverybaniu a escravidão, but porém os Dunmer were allowed to keep their own sacred and traditional laws in their entrance to the Empireforam permitidos manter suas próprias e sagradas leis tradicionais ao adentrarem o Império. By the end of the Ao fim da {{Lore Link|Third Terceira Era}}, {{Lore Link|Hlaalu Helseth|King Rei Helseth}} had officially abolished slaveryaboliu oficialmente a escravidão. {{ref|name=PGE3M}} Necromancy is also practiced openly by some DunmerNecromancia é praticada abertamente por alguns, though never with apesar de nunca serem utilizados corpos de Dunmer corpses.{{ref|name=AATD}}
The Great Houses generally follow the established Tribunal Temple, which preaches faith for the Tribunal, respect for the "Good Daedra" who recognize the Tribunal, and veneration of ancestors.{{ref|name=AATD}} There was some practicality to this: ancestral remains are used to power {{Lore Link|Ghostfence|ghost fences}} to ward off spirits, notably the one created by the Tribunal that surrounded Red Mountain for hundreds of years to keep Dagoth Ur and his minions at bay.{{ref|name=PGE1M}}{{ref|name=AATD}}{{ref|name=ASHOM}} Historically, the Dunmer have resisted worshipping the {{Lore Link|Aedra}} of the {{Lore Link|Nine Divines}}, and it is likely many Dunmer will be interested in rejoining something similar to the traditions of ancestor and Daedra worship that Ashlanders have kept alive.{{ref|name=TA|{{Cite book|The Anticipations}}}}{{ref|name=Vivec|{{Lore Link|Vivec (god)|Vivec}}'s conversation with the {{Lore Link|Nerevarine}} after the [[Morrowind:The Citadels of the Sixth House|defeat of Dagoth Ur]].}}