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Criou página com: '{{Lore:Appendices}} {{TOClimit|2}} ==Moons== thumb|left|Nirn's two moons, both full File:MW-place-Ministry of Truth.jpg|thumb|right|clear=none|The...'

[[File:Mfull Sfull.jpg|thumb|left|Nirn's two moons, both full]]
[[File:MW-place-Ministry of Truth.jpg|thumb|right|clear=none|The Vivec Moonlet]]
Above Nirn there are two moons: [[Lore:Masser|Masser]], also known as [[Lore:Jode|Jode]] or [[Lore:Mara|Mara]]'s Tear; {{ref|name=VOF|{{Cite book|Varieties of Faith...}}}} and [[Lore:Secunda|Secunda]], also known as [[Lore:Jone|Jone]] or [[Lore:Stendarr|Stendarr]]'s Sorrow.{{ref|name=VOF}} Masser is the larger of the two, well over twice as large by appearance. Since Secunda is sometimes seen to transit Masser, it is clear that Masser is indeed larger, not closer.{{intnote|Mars|Note 1}} In Khajiiti legend, the motion of the moons constructs something called the "Lunar Lattice", which protects [[Lore:Mundus|Mundus]] from the rest of [[Lore:Aetherius|Aetherius]]. {{ref|name=WOCMA|{{Cite book|Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi}}}} Khajiit are born in differing forms depending on the current phases of the moons. See [[Lore:Khajiit#Morphology|Khajiiti Morphology]] for details.

There are thirteen named constellations in the sky. There are three Guardian signs; [[#The Warrior|The Warrior]], [[#The Mage|The Mage]], and [[#The Thief|The Thief]], each of which protects three charges. Each of these twelve signs corresponds to one of the twelve [[Lore:Calendar|months]] in the Tamrielic year. The thirteenth sign, [[#The Serpent|The Serpent]], has no guardian or month and moves around the sky, usually threatening the other signs. ''[[Lore:The Firmament|The Firmament]]'' provides descriptions of all of the constellations, as quoted in the following sections.

In {{Year|2E 582}}, three Guardian signs — the Warrior, the Mage, and the Thief — fell from the sky and took on a mortal form known as {{Lore Link|Celestial|Celestials}}.{{ref|name=ESO|Events of [[ON:Online|ESO]]}}

The [[Lore:Dwemer|Dwemer]] have symbols for these constellations, which (except for The Serpent) correspond to letters in the [[Lore:Dwemer Alphabet|Dwemer Alphabet]].

{|class=wikitable style=white-space:nowrap
|colspan=2|[[File:Rg_dwemersymbol_warrior.jpg|left|The Dwemer Symbol for the Warrior]]
|rowspan=2 width=100%|[[#The Warrior|The Warrior]]<br>{{Small|Last Seed}}
|colspan=2|[[File:Rg_dwemersymbol_mage.jpg|left|The Dwemer Symbol for the Mage]]
|rowspan=2 width=100%|[[#The Mage|The Mage]]<br>{{Small|Rain's Hand}}
|colspan=2|[[File:Rg_dwemersymbol_thief.jpg|left|The Dwemer Symbol for the Thief]]
|rowspan=2 width=100%|[[#The Thief|The Thief]]<br>{{Small|Evening Star}}
|colspan=2|[[File:Rg_dwemersymbol_lady.jpg|left|The Dwemer Symbol for the Lady]]
|rowspan=2 width=100%|'''[[#The Lady|The Lady]]'''<br>{{Small|Heartfire}}
|colspan=2|[[File:Rg_dwemersymbol_apprentice.jpg|left|The Dwemer Symbol for the Apprentice]]
|rowspan=2 width=100%|'''[[#The Apprentice|The Apprentice]]'''<br>{{Small|Sun's Height}}
|colspan=2|[[File:Rg_dwemersymbol_lover.jpg|left|The Dwemer Symbol for the Lover]]
|rowspan=2 width=100%|'''[[#The Lover|The Lover]]'''<br>{{Small|Sun's Dawn}}
|colspan=2|[[File:Rg_dwemersymbol_steed.jpg|left|The Dwemer Symbol for the Steed]]
|rowspan=2 width=100%|'''[[#The Steed|The Steed]]'''<br>{{Small|Mid Year}}
|colspan=2|[[File:Rg_dwemersymbol_atronach.jpg|left|The Dwemer Symbol for the Atronach]]
|rowspan=2 width=100%|'''[[#The Atronach|The Atronach]]'''<br>{{Small|Sun's Dusk}}
|colspan=2|[[File:Rg_dwemersymbol_shadow.jpg|left|The Dwemer Symbol for the Shadow]]
|rowspan=2 width=100%|'''[[#The Shadow|The Shadow]]'''<br>{{Small|Second Seed}}
|colspan=2|[[File:Rg_dwemersymbol_lord.jpg|left|The Dwemer Symbol for the Lord]]
|rowspan=2 width=100%|'''[[#The Lord|The Lord]]'''<br>{{Small|First Seed}}
|colspan=2|[[File:Rg_dwemersymbol_ritual.jpg|left|The Dwemer Symbol for the Ritual]]
|rowspan=2 width=100%|'''[[#The Ritual|The Ritual]]'''<br>{{Small|Morning Star}}
|colspan=2|[[File:Rg_dwemersymbol_tower.jpg|left|The Dwemer Symbol for the Tower]]
|rowspan=2 width=100%|'''[[#The Tower|The Tower]]'''<br>{{Small|Frost Fall}}
!colspan=4|[[File:Rg_dwemersymbol_serpent.jpg|The Dwemer Symbol for the Serpent]] [[#The Serpent|The Serpent]]<br>{{Small|no season}}
<nowiki>*</nowiki> Unconfirmed characters.

===The Apprentice===
:''The Apprentice's Season is Sun's Height. Those born under the sign of the apprentice have a special affinity for magick of all kinds, but are more vulnerable to magick as well.''{{ref|name=TF|{{Cite book|The Firmament}}}}

RG-birthsign-Apprentice.jpg|The Apprentice as depicted in Redguard
MW-birthsign-Apprentice.jpg|The Apprentice as depicted in Morrowind
OBbsign_Apprentice.jpg|The Apprentice as depicted in Oblivion
OB-orrery-Apprentice.jpg|The Apprentice as shown in the Imperial Orrery
ON-icon-mundusstone-Apprentice.png|The Apprentice as depicted in ESO

===The Atronach===
:''The Atronach (often called the Golem) is one of the Mage's Charges. Its season is Sun's Dusk. Those born under this sign are natural sorcerers with deep reserves of magicka, but they cannot generate magicka of their own.''{{ref|name=TF}}

RG-birthsign-Atronach.jpg|The Atronach as depicted in Redguard
MW-birthsign-Atronach.jpg|The Atronach as depicted in Morrowind
OBbsign_Atronach.jpg|The Atronach as depicted in Oblivion
OB-orrery-Atronach.jpg|The Atronach as shown in the Imperial Orrery
ON-icon-mundusstone-Atronach.png|The Atronach as depicted in ESO

===The Lady===
:''The Lady is one of the Warrior's Charges and her Season is Heartfire. Those born under the sign of the Lady are kind and tolerant.''{{ref|name=TF}}

RG-birthsign-Lady.jpg|The Lady as depicted in Redguard
MW-birthsign-Lady.jpg|The Lady as depicted in Morrowind
OBbsign_Lady.jpg|The Lady as depicted in Oblivion
OB-orrery-Lady.jpg|The Lady as shown in the Imperial Orrery
ON-icon-mundusstone-Lady.png|The Lady as depicted in ESO

===The Lord===
:''The Lord's Season is First Seed and he oversees all of Tamriel during the planting. Those born under the sign of the Lord are stronger and healthier than those born under other signs.''{{ref|name=TF}}

RG-birthsign-Lord.jpg|The Lord as depicted in Redguard
MW-birthsign-Lord.jpg|The Lord as depicted in Morrowind
OBbsign_Lord.jpg|The Lord as depicted in Oblivion
OB-orrery-Lord.jpg|The Lord as shown in the Imperial Orrery
ON-icon-mundusstone-Lord.png|The Lord as depicted in ESO

===The Lover===
:''The Lover is one of the Thief's Charges and her season is Sun's Dawn. Those born under the sign of the Lover are graceful and passionate.''{{ref|name=TF}}

RG-birthsign-Lover.jpg|The Lover as depicted in Redguard
MW-birthsign-Lover.jpg|The Lover as depicted in Morrowind
OBbsign_Lover.jpg|The Lover as depicted in Oblivion
OB-orrery-Lover.jpg|The Lover as shown in the Imperial Orrery
ON-icon-mundusstone-Lover.png|The Lover as depicted in ESO

===The Mage===
:''The Mage is a Guardian Constellation whose Season is Rain's Hand when magicka was first used by men. His Charges are the Apprentice, the Golem, and the Ritual. Those born under the Mage have more magicka and talent for all kinds of spellcasting, but are often arrogant and absent-minded.''{{ref|name=TF}}

As the [[Lore:Dwemer|Dwemer]] didn't believe in magic, they knew this constellation as "The Mechanist" {{ref|name=RGErasmo|[[Redguard:Erasmo|Erasmo]]'s dialogue in [[Redguard:Redguard|Redguard]]}}. This constellation contains the Planet Julianos, which is also called the Eye of the Sage.{{ref|name=Cosmology|group=OOG|''{{TIL|Cosmology|cosmology}}'', by the Temple Zero Society}}

RG-birthsign-Mage.jpg|The Mage as depicted in Redguard
MW-birthsign-Mage.jpg|The Mage as depicted in Morrowind
OBbsign_Mage.jpg|The Mage as depicted in Oblivion
OB-orrery-Mage.jpg|The Mage as shown in the Imperial Orrery
ON-icon-mundusstone-Mage.png|The Mage as depicted in ESO

===The Ritual===
:''The Ritual is one of the Mage's Charges and its Season is Morning Star. Those born under this sign have a variety of abilities depending on the aspects of the moons and the Divines.''{{ref|name=TF}}

RG-birthsign-Ritual.jpg|The Ritual as depicted in Redguard
MW-birthsign-Ritual.jpg|The Ritual as depicted in Morrowind
OBbsign_Ritual.jpg|The Ritual as depicted in Oblivion
OB-orrery-Ritual.jpg|The Ritual as shown in the Imperial Orrery
ON-icon-mundusstone-Ritual.png|The Ritual as depicted in ESO

===The Serpent===
:''The Serpent wanders about in the sky and has no Season, though its motions are predictable to a degree. No characteristics are common to all who are born under the sign of the Serpent. Those born under this sign are the most blessed and the most cursed.''{{ref|name=TF}}
Alone of the constellations it is said to be formed of Unstars, rather than stars and planets.{{ref|name=Cosmology|group=OOG}} The Serpent symbol is not shown in the Imperial [[Oblivion:Orrery|Orrery]].

RG-birthsign-Serpent.jpg|The Serpent as depicted in Redguard
MW-birthsign-Serpent.jpg|The Serpent as depicted in Morrowind
OBbsign_Serpent.jpg|The Serpent as depicted in Oblivion
ON-icon-mundusstone-Serpent.png|The Serpent as depicted in ESO

===The Shadow===
:''The Shadow's Season is Second Seed. The Shadow grants those born under the sign the ability to hide in shadows.''{{ref|name=TF}}

RG-birthsign-Shadow.jpg|The Shadow as depicted in Redguard
MW-birthsign-Shadow.jpg|The Shadow as depicted in Morrowind
OBbsign_Shadow.jpg|The Shadow as depicted in Oblivion
OB-orrery-Shadow.jpg|The Shadow as shown in the Imperial Orrery
ON-icon-mundusstone-Shadow.png|The Shadow as depicted in ESO

===The Steed===
:''The Steed is one of the Warrior's Charges, and its Season is Mid Year. Those born under the sign of the Steed are impatient and always hurrying from one place to another.''{{ref|name=TF}}

RG-birthsign-Steed.jpg|The Steed as depicted in Redguard
MW-birthsign-Steed.jpg|The Steed as depicted in Morrowind
OBbsign_Steed.jpg|The Steed as depicted in Oblivion
OB-orrery-Steed.jpg|The Steed as shown in the Imperial Orrery
ON-icon-mundusstone-Steed.png|The Steed as depicted in ESO

===The Thief===
:''The Thief is the last Guardian Constellation, and its Season is the darkest month of Evening Star. Its Charges are the Lover, the Shadow, and the Tower. Those born under the sign of the Thief are not typically thieves, though they take risks more often and only rarely come to harm. They will run out of luck eventually, however, and rarely live as long as those born under other signs.''{{ref|name=TF}}
This constellation contains the Planet Arkay, which is also called the Eye of the Thief.{{ref|name=Cosmology|group=OOG}}

RG-birthsign-Thief.jpg|The Thief as depicted in Redguard
MW-birthsign-Thief.jpg|The Thief as depicted in Morrowind
OBbsign_Thief.jpg|The Thief as depicted in Oblivion
OB-orrery-Thief.jpg|The Thief as shown in the Imperial Orrery
ON-icon-mundusstone-Thief.png|The Thief as depicted in ESO

===The Tower===
:''The Tower is one of the Thief's Charges and its Season is Frostfall. Those born under the sign of the Tower have a knack for finding gold and can open locks of all kinds.''{{ref|name=TF}}

RG-birthsign-Tower.jpg|The Tower as depicted in Redguard
MW-birthsign-Tower.jpg|The Tower as depicted in Morrowind
OBbsign_Tower.jpg|The Tower as depicted in Oblivion
OB-orrery-Tower.jpg|The Tower as shown in the Imperial Orrery
ON-icon-mundusstone-Tower.png|The Tower as depicted in ESO

===The Warrior===
:''The Warrior is the first Guardian Constellation and he protects his charges during their Seasons. The Warrior's own season is Last Seed when his Strength is needed for the harvest. His Charges are the Lady, the Steed, and the Lord. Those born under the sign of the Warrior are skilled with weapons of all kinds, but prone to short tempers.''{{ref|name=TF}}
This constellation contains the Planet Akatosh, which is also called the Eye of the Warrior.{{ref|name=Cosmology|group=OOG}}

RG-birthsign-Warrior.jpg|The Warrior as depicted in Redguard
MW-birthsign-Warrior.jpg|The Warrior as depicted in Morrowind
OBbsign_Warrior.jpg|The Warrior as depicted in Oblivion
OB-orrery-Warrior.jpg|The Warrior as shown in the Imperial Orrery
ON-icon-mundusstone-Warrior.png|The Warrior as depicted in ESO

==Starmaps and the Orrery==

Many cultures follow the passage of the stars.
===The Dwemer===
[[File:RG-misc-Dwemer Star Map.jpg|thumb|right|A Dwemer Starmap]]
Undoubtedly the most advanced knowledge of the heavens comes via the relics of the [[Lore:Dwemer|Dwemer]].

Of particular importance is the [[Oblivion:Orrery|Orrery]] found in the [[Lore:Arcane University|Arcane University]] at the [[Lore:Imperial City|Imperial City]] in [[Lore:Cyrodiil|Cyrodiil]] which shows all the various planets and can even draw upon the power of Nirn's twin moons.

A second place of importance is upon the isle of [[Lore:Stros M'Kai|Stros M'Kai]] where a [[Redguard:Observatory|Dwemer observatory]] lies.

===The Yokuda===
[[File:RG-misc-Yokudan Star Map.jpg|thumb|right|A Yokuda Starmap]]
The Pre-Redguard [[Lore:Yokuda|Yokudan]] culture in particular was noted for its astrologers, who would make crude starmaps in their camps.

===The Elder Scrolls===
[[File:Elder_Scroll.jpg|thumb|right|An Elder Scroll]]
Finally, the [[Lore:Elder Scrolls|Elder Scrolls]] themselves would seem to depict some sort of starmap, with various glyphs of unknown purpose adorning both the foreground and background.

Upon careful examination of the particular Elder Scroll depicted here, one can see an outline of The Thief constellation; this is highly appropriate, as this particular Elder Scroll was stolen from the [[Lore:Imperial Palace|Imperial Palace]] and used to break the curse on the Cowl of [[Lore:Nocturnal|Nocturnal]].

{{note|Mars|1.|Masser is clearly a color-modified version of real-life photos of [http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA04304 Mars]. Secunda's real-life base is less clear-cut but it might be based on [[wikipedia:Triton (moon)|Triton]], the largest moon of Neptune.}}
<references group="OOG"/>