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Lore:Um Livro de Recordações, Parte 2

1 593 bytes adicionados, 03h27min de 31 de dezembro de 2015
{{Book Summary
|author={{Lore Link|Fa-Nuit-Hen}}
|description=The recollections of a Daedric Demiprince
|source=*[[Lore:Elder Scrolls Online - Loremaster's Archive|ESO Loremaster's Archive]] ([http://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/2015/10/30/loremasters-archive-the-maelstrom-arena---part-two link])
|next=[[Lore:A Memory Book, Part 3|Part 3]]
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|sortkey=Memory Book, Part 2, A

:''As Dictated to {{Lore Link|Tutor Riparius}} by {{Lore Link|Fa-Nuit-Hen}}''

:The {{Lore Link|Heat Lightning|Baron Who Moves Like Heat Lightning}}! Can you not picture him in your mind? He arcs from one cloud to another, following no predictable path, going where he will at a speed no eye can follow! There! Like that!

:But no: I'm fooling myself. Those are only words, a recollection of a description of a vision. The vision itself … is lost to me. Intellectually, I know where and how we fought, who we defeated and when, but the memory of the actual events is foggy, slipping away into the dusk of the forgotten past.

:I know, for example, that Heat Lightning fought beside {{Lore Link|Seht}} and me when we battled the Borers from Within. I know that Seht and I dueled The Hinged Ones while Heat Lightning overcharged the Null Pistons until they cracked and burst. I know it happened. I just can't remember the event itself. Or my baron, who won the day for us all.

:Help me, my Tutor. Teach me to remember the Baron Who Moves Like Heat Lightning. I am lonely for that part of me, and want to see it again. At least, that's how it feels.