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Online:Bounty: Black Daggers

1 393 bytes adicionados, 00h33min de 22 de setembro de 2015
sem resumo de edição
{{Online Quest Header
|Loc={{ESO Alliances|Covenant=[[Online:Highlands Glory Inn|Highlands Glory Inn]] at the [[Online:Northern High Rock Gate|Northern High Rock Gate]]
|Dominion=[[Online:Victory Tavern|Victory Tavern]] at the [[Online:Eastern Elsweyr Gate|Eastern Elsweyr Gate]]
|Pact=[[Online:Warrior's Rest|Warrior's Rest]] at the [[Online:Southern Morrowind Gate|Southern Morrowind Gate]]}}
|Giver={{ESO Alliances|Covenant=[[Online:Ikran|Ikran]]

==Quick Walkthrough==
<!-- Instructions: Provide a point-by-point list of the key tasks that need to be completed for this quest. Spoilers should be avoided in the quick walkthrough. -->

==Detailed Walkthrough==
<!-- Instructions: The detailed walkthrough should provide full information about the quest, organized into paragraphs. Spoilers belong in this section.--><!--

Instructions: Add any miscellaneous notes about the quest here.--><!--

Instructions: Add any bugs using the following format:
{{Bug|Bug description}}
** Workaround

==Quest Stages==
{{Online Journal Entries
||{{Online Quest Objective||Kill Black Daggers}}
{{Online Quest Stages Notes}}

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