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{{Online Quest Header
|description=Help the [[Online:Finoriell|previous Green Lady]] find rest in [[Online:Treehenge|Treehenge]].
|Zone=Malabal Tor
|Obj=Treehenge — Help Finoriell join with Treehenge.
|Next=[[Online:The Dark Night of the Soul|The Dark Night of the Soul]]
|Reward=251 Gold, {{ESO Veteran|silver={{huh}} Golf,|gold={{huh}} Gold}}
|Journal=Finoriell needs to join her fellow spirits in Treehenge, but something prevents her.
==Quick Walkthrough==
# Talk to [[Online:Finoriell|Finoriell]].
# Find [[Online:Hengekeeper Lara|Hengekeeper Lara]].
# Disturb the roots to awaken the matrons.
# Enter Treehenge and talk to the matrons.
# Collect moonbeams and starry torchbugs.
# Cleanse the altar.
# Talk to Hengekeeper Lara.
==Detailed Walkthrough==
<!-- Instructions: The detailed walkthrough should provide full information about the quest, organized into paragraphs. Spoilers belong in this section.--><!--
Instructions: Add any miscellaneous notes about the quest here.--><!--
Instructions: Add any bugs using the following format:
{{Bug|Bug description}}
** Workaround
==Quest Stages==
{{Online Journal Entries
||{{Online Quest Objective||Find the Hengekeeper}}
||{{Online Quest Objective|hidden|Awaken a Matron}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Awaken the Matrons}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Exit the Opposite End of the Cave}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Enter Treehenge}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to a Matron}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Warn Finoriell of the Cult's Plans}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Hengekeeper Lara}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Catch Starry Torchbugs}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Gather Moon-Kissed Droplets}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Cleanse the Altar}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Finoriell's Soul}}
{{Online Quest Stages Notes}}
|description=Help the [[Online:Finoriell|previous Green Lady]] find rest in [[Online:Treehenge|Treehenge]].
|Zone=Malabal Tor
|Obj=Treehenge — Help Finoriell join with Treehenge.
|Next=[[Online:The Dark Night of the Soul|The Dark Night of the Soul]]
|Reward=251 Gold, {{ESO Veteran|silver={{huh}} Golf,|gold={{huh}} Gold}}
|Journal=Finoriell needs to join her fellow spirits in Treehenge, but something prevents her.
==Quick Walkthrough==
# Talk to [[Online:Finoriell|Finoriell]].
# Find [[Online:Hengekeeper Lara|Hengekeeper Lara]].
# Disturb the roots to awaken the matrons.
# Enter Treehenge and talk to the matrons.
# Collect moonbeams and starry torchbugs.
# Cleanse the altar.
# Talk to Hengekeeper Lara.
==Detailed Walkthrough==
<!-- Instructions: The detailed walkthrough should provide full information about the quest, organized into paragraphs. Spoilers belong in this section.--><!--
Instructions: Add any miscellaneous notes about the quest here.--><!--
Instructions: Add any bugs using the following format:
{{Bug|Bug description}}
** Workaround
==Quest Stages==
{{Online Journal Entries
||{{Online Quest Objective||Find the Hengekeeper}}
||{{Online Quest Objective|hidden|Awaken a Matron}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Awaken the Matrons}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Exit the Opposite End of the Cave}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Enter Treehenge}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to a Matron}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Warn Finoriell of the Cult's Plans}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Hengekeeper Lara}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Catch Starry Torchbugs}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Gather Moon-Kissed Droplets}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Cleanse the Altar}}
||{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Finoriell's Soul}}
{{Online Quest Stages Notes}}