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Online:Angof the Undying

1 544 bytes adicionados, 21h34min de 17 de outubro de 2015
Job #307: Change factions to use Faction template
{{about|the version met in Coldharbour|the enemy in Cath Bedraud|Angof the Gravesinger (person)}}
{{Online NPC Summary
|image=ON-npc-Angof the Undying.jpg
|imgdesc=Angof the Undying
|loc=[[Online:Cliffs of Failure|Cliffs of Failure]]
|faction={{Faction|Bloodthorn Cult}}
'''Angof the Undying''' is a [[Online:Reachmen|Reachman]] necromancer and the leader of the [[Online:Bloodthorn Cult|Bloodthorn Cult]]. In death, he was sent to the [[Online:Cliffs of Failure|Cliffs of Failure]] in [[Online:Coldharbour|Coldharbour]] for displeasing his master, [[Online:Molag Bal|Molag Bal]]. You have the option to take his side and save him from eternal battling. He expresses regret for his actions and agrees to aid in the fight against Bal in the hopes of curing his disfigurement. His aid amounts to a zombie companion in the first section of [[Online:The Endless Stair|the Endless Stair]].
==Related Quests==
*{{Quest Link|The Endless War}}
*{{Quest Link|A Thorn in Your Side}}
*{{Quest Link|The Final Assault}}
ON-npc-Angof the Undying 02.jpg|Angof helping Juline Ginis
ON-npc-Angof the Undying 03.jpg|Angof in the House of Darkness
ON-npc-Angof the Undying 04.jpg|Angof at the Endless Stair
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* Add note here
--><!--Instructions: Add any bugs related to the NPC here using the format below.--><!--
{{Bug|Bug description}}
** Workaround

Robôs, Userspace Patrollers
128 810