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Online:Rune Prison

1 079 bytes adicionados, 19h46min de 15 de agosto de 2015
{{Online Skill Summary
|line=Dark Magic
|icon=Sorcerer-Rune Prison
|desc=Imprison an enemy in a sphere of dark magic for [15.1 / 15.6 / 16.1 / 16.6] seconds. The effect ends if the enemy takes damage.
|desc1=Imprison an enemy in a sphere of dark magic for [16.6 / 17.1 / 17.6 / 18.1] seconds. Damage over time does not end the effect, but any other damage does.
|desc2=Duration: 60 seconds<br>Place a rune of protection on yourself for [60 / 80 / 100 / 120] seconds. The next enemy to attack you is imprisoned in a sphere of dark magic for 16.6 seconds. The effect ends if the enemy takes damage.
|cost=300 Magicka
|casttime=1.5 sec
|range=28 meters
|duration=0 seconds
|morph1name=Rune Cage
|morph1icon=Sorcerer-Rune Cage
|morph1desc=Damage over time effects no longer break the disorient.
|morph2name=Defensive Rune
|morph2icon=Sorcerer-Defensive Rune
|morph2desc=Next enemy to damage you, gets disoriented.
'''Rune Prison''' conjures a sphere of dark magic to imprison an enemy.
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{{Online Skills Sorcerer}}