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Dragonborn:Morvayn Manor

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Morvayn Manor
(view on map)
# of Zones 2
Console Location Code(s)
DLC2RRMorvaynManor, DLC2RRMorvaynManorChambers
Raven Rock

Morvayn Manor is the home of Lleril Morvayn. It is on the waterfront and is found when first arriving from Windhelm as the house on your left as you leave the jetty. It is opposite the stairs leading up to the temple. It is the second house on your left if coming from the Bulwark. To the right of Caerellius's house and to the left of Glover Mallory's house.

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There is a Redoran guard posted by the door at all times. There are several scathecraw plants grow along the side of the house with an urn and two barrels amongst them. To the left of the entrance is an empty cart and to the right is a brazier on a stand. Against the southeastern end of the building are a stack of crates and at the northwestern end several more barrels, a scathecraw plant and a trama root plant. Around the back on the wooden jetties are two more urns.

Morvayn Manor

You enter into the main room where first councilor Lleril Morvayn sits on his throne to the left, holding court, as you enter. To the right as you enter is a Redoran guard at all times. To the left of the throne as you look at it, on a ledge around the room are a bottle of each sujamma, matze and shein. On the right of the throne on the same ledge are a bottle of each sujamma, flin and shein, also all three volumes of History of Raven Rock and both volumes of The Red Year. There is also a chair and bench to the left of the throne. To the right of the throne against the west wall is a small set of shelves containing a bottle of each matze, shein and filn and copies of both part of Bone and The True Noble's Code. Also on the shelf is a Felsaad tern feather. To the right of this is a bench with copies of The Poison Song, book I and book II on the ledge that goes around the room. There is a table laid for three with two ash yams, a bottle of filn, a bottle of wine, an eidar cheese wedge, three bowls of horker and ash yam stew, a bottle of shein, matze and sujamma, a loaf of bread, a goat cheese wedge, an apple pie and side of cooked boar meat. On the ledge beside the table are two bottles of wine and a bottle of alto wine. Still on the ledge, but to the north of the table is a bottle of sujamma and copies of The House of Troubles and Words of the Wind.

Through an archway to the north is a second room which is circular with an arcane enchanter on your left as you enter. To the right of this is a cooking pot on a stand, with a pile of firewood between them. There is an urn to the right of the cooking pot with a hanging braid of garlic and a dead rabbit above. To the right of these is a set of shelves containing three loaves of bread, four ash yams, two cabbages, a bottle of wine and one of alto wine, a bottle of matze, shein and filn, two goat cheese wheels, a sliced goat cheese, an eidar cheese wheel and an eidar cheese wedge. Above this set of shelves are two of each dried frost mirriam, elves ears and garlic braids all hanging from the ceiling. There is a sack leaning against the right hand side of the shelves with four urns and a crate to the right underneath a stone spiral staircase.

At the top of the stairs is a storage area with a straw bale and two urns to the left of an adept locked wooden door leading to Morvayn Manor Chambers. To the right of this door, between the door and the top of the stairs are various barrels, crates, boxes, two urns and two sacks.

Through the locked door is a bedroom, where Cindiri Arano sleeps in a single bed, just through the door on the right of you as you enter. On the ledge that goes around the room, behind the bed are two bottles of shein, one of flin and one of matze. On the left of the door as you enter, on the same ledge are two bottles of alto wine and a bottle of shein. Beside this against the west wall is a set of shelves containing two bottles of wine, two bottles of shein and a bottle of matze, a mammoth tusk, a copy of The Poison Song, Book II, a sliced goat cheese and two eidar cheese wheels. A bucket to the immediate right of the shelves contain three ash yams. There are two more bottles of alto wine on the ledge to the right of the shelves. In the northwest corner is a round wooden table and a chair. On the table is a place setting for one with a wooden plate containing a piece of cooked beef. There is a door in the middle of the northern wall with an unlocked East Empire Company strongbox just to the left on the ledge. In the northeast corner of the room there is only a bench.

Through the door is the first councilor's bedroom. On your left as you enter is an expert locked display cabinet containing a set of chitin heavy armor and a chitin heavy helmet. The bed is in the middle of the north wall with a small set of shelves at the end of the bed. It contains a lute on the bottom shelf and on top are copies of History of Raven Rock, Vol. I and II and two notes titled House Redoran's Reply and Adril's Survey Results. Against the east wall is a large set of shelves containing four goblets of different types, a bottle of matze, one of sujamma and three of flin, two bowls, copies of The Five Far Stars and Deathbrand. Next to the books on the middle shelf are a garnet and emerald. Finally to the left of this large set of shelves is a chair.


  • It is possible to jump up into the upstairs rafters, though there's nothing up there.
