< Creatures: Monsters(Redirecionado de Dragonborn:Jumping Frost Spider (creature))Este artigo é sobre creatures added by Dragonborn. Para frostbite spiders in the base game, veja Frostbite Spider. Para spider scrolls, veja Spider Scrolls.
Albino Spiders
Albino Spiders are a species of spiders that are found on the island of Solstheim. Their sub-species include flame spiders, frost spiders, oil spiders, poison spiders, and shock spiders. Albino spiders are physically similar to these spiders with some differences, the main difference being that albino spiders are completely white in color.
Albino spiders can be found in many locations throughout Solstheim, including Fahlbtharz, Fort Frostmoth, Highpoint Tower, Kolbjorn Barrow, and White Ridge Barrow.
Creature (ID) | Lvl | Health | Magicka | Sta. | Drops | Soul | Factions |
Albino Spider (xx0145C5) DLC2ExpSpiderAlbino |
5 | 41 | 4 | 45 | Albino Spider Pod Damaged Albino Spider Pod |
Lesser | DLC2ExpSpiderEnemyFaction; Spiders |
Albino Spider (xx01926C) DLC2ExpSpiderAlbinoEMPTY |
PC×1 | 1+(PC-1)×10 | 4 | 25+(PC-1)×5 | None | Leveled |
Flame Spiders
Flame Spiders are a sub-species of the albino spiders that live on the island of Solstheim. Flame spiders are physically similar to albino spiders with some differences, the main difference being that flame spiders are red and yellow in color. Flame spiders can be found in White Ridge Barrow where they spawn inside glowing red egg sacs, which they burst out of when you get too close to them. Flame spiders do not drop anything as they burst upon death. Each variant of flame spiders can be created in the imbuing chamber device in White Ridge Barrow, using the following recipes:
Flame spiders can be found in a number of locations, including White Ridge Barrow.
Creature (ID) | Lvl | Health | Magicka | Sta. | Soul | Factions |
Flame Cloaked Spider (xx017077) |
6 | 51 | 4 | 50 | Lesser | DLC2ExpSpiderEnemyFaction; Spiders |
Flame Cloaked Spider (scroll) (xx019529) |
12 | 111 | 4 | 80 | Lesser | DLC2ExpSpiderFriendFaction |
Jumping Flame Spider (xx01447A) |
PC×1 | 1+(PC-1)×10 | 4 | 25+(PC-1)×5 | Leveled | DLC2ExpSpiderEnemyFaction; Spiders |
Jumping Flame Spider (scroll) (xx014491) |
Leveled | DLC2ExpSpiderFriendFaction |
Frost Spiders
Frost Spiders are a sub-species of the albino spiders that live on the island of Solstheim. Frost spiders are physically similar to albino spiders with some differences, the main difference being that frost spiders are blue and white in color. Frost spiders do not drop anything as they burst upon death. Frost spiders can be created in the imbuing chamber device in White Ridge Barrow, using the following recipes:
Frost spiders can be found in a number of locations, including Highpoint Tower.
Creature (ID) | Lvl | Health | Magicka | Sta. | Soul | Factions |
Frost Cloaked Spider (xx0206E1) |
6 | 51 | 4 | 50 | Lesser | DLC2ExpSpiderEnemyFaction; Spiders |
Frost Cloaked Spider (scroll) (xx0206DC) |
12 | 111 | 4 | 80 | Lesser | DLC2ExpSpiderFriendFaction |
Jumping Frost Spider (xx01DFEC) |
PC×1 | 1+(PC-1)×10 | 4 | 25+(PC-1)×5 | Leveled | DLC2ExpSpiderEnemyFaction; Spiders |
Jumping Frost Spider (scroll) (xx0206DD) |
Leveled | DLC2ExpSpiderFriendFaction |
Oil Spiders
Oil Spiders are a sub-species of the albino spiders that live on the island of Solstheim. Oil spiders are physically similar to albino spiders but differ in that they are grey with yellow stripes and have large black eyes similar to Frostbite Spiders. The only oil spiders you can encounter as enemies are in Fahlbtharz.
While moving, and upon death, oil spiders release a trail of flammable oil that is different in appearance than normal oil but will combust in the same manner if hit by fire. If the oil spider itself is hit by fire, it will explode, which can lead to a chain reaction if dealing with a large group. Oil spiders do not drop anything as they burst upon death.
Oil spiders can be created with the imbuing chamber device in White Ridge Barrow by placing Dwarven oil and albino spider pods in the machine (Recipe - Oil Spider).
Creature (ID) | Lvl | Health | Magicka | Sta. | Soul | Factions |
Oil Spider (xx01D9FE) |
6 | 51 | 4 | 50 | Lesser | DLC2ExpSpiderEnemyFaction; Spiders |
Oil Spider (scroll) (xx02749A) |
PC×1 | 1+(PC-1)×10 | 4 | 25+(PC-1)×5 | Leveled | DLC2ExpSpiderFriendFaction |
Poison Spiders
Poison Spiders are a sub-species of the albino spiders that can only be artificially created. Poison spiders are physically similar to albino spiders with some differences, the main difference being that poison spiders are green in color. Poison spiders do not drop anything as they burst upon death. Poison spiders can be created with the imbuing chamber device in White Ridge Barrow by using the following recipes:
Poison spiders can be found in a number of locations, including Kolbjorn Barrow.
Creature (ID) | Lvl | Health | Magicka | Sta. | Soul | Factions |
Poisonous Cloaked Spider (xx01CAAD) |
6 | 51 | 4 | 50 | Lesser | DLC2ExpSpiderEnemyFaction; Spiders |
Poisonous Cloaked Spider (scroll) (xx01CAAE) |
12 | 111 | 4 | 80 | Lesser | DLC2ExpSpiderFriendFaction |
Jumping Poisonous Spider (xx014447) |
PC×1 | 1+(PC-1)×10 | 4 | 25+(PC-1)×5 | Leveled | DLC2ExpSpiderEnemyFaction; Spiders |
Jumping Poisonous Spider (scroll) (xx01448B) |
Leveled | DLC2ExpSpiderFriendFaction |
Shock Spiders
Shock Spiders are a sub-species of the albino spiders that can only be artificially created. Shock spiders are physically similar to albino spiders with some differences, the main difference being that shock spiders are yellow in color. Shock spiders do not drop anything as they burst upon death. Shock spiders can be created with the imbuing chamber device in White Ridge Barrow by using the following recipes:
Creature (ID) | Lvl | Health | Magicka | Sta. | Soul | Factions |
Shock Cloaked Spider (scroll) (xx02095D) |
12 | 111 | 4 | 80 | Lesser | DLC2ExpSpiderFriendFaction |
Jumping Shock Spider (scroll) (xx02095E) |
PC×1 | 1+(PC-1)×10 | 4 | 25+(PC-1)×5 | Leveled |
Mind Control Spiders
Mind Control Spiders are not true creatures in the same sense as other spiders listed on this page. They can only be created by using the respective Spider Scroll. In appearance, they are identical to oil spiders.
As their name implies, these spiders attach to an enemy when thrown and can control the enemy to make them fight for you. When a target is being controlled by the spider, it becomes covered in a network of bright yellow webs. A few of them can be seen within White Ridge Sanctum attached to bandits who are being experimented on by the sorceress Merilar Rendas, but they disappear when the bandits are killed.
Mind Control Spiders can be created with the imbuing chamber device in White Ridge Barrow by placing soul gems and albino spider pods in the machine (Recipe - Mind Control Spider).
- There are two additional recipes for creating spiders in game data, but they are not found in the game: Recipe - Glowing Spider and Recipe - Pack Spider.